Before you all start shitting on them, actually go look at what movies they directed first.
Bay truly only has 3 good movies, in my opinion, which is Bad Boys 1-2 and Transformers. Snyder's Dawn of the Dead, 300, Watchmen, Man of Steel and Batman v Superman shits all over Bay's directing career, but I think the problem is that Bay just takes up shitty projects. It's not always that the director sucks, it's that the movie in general, no matter what, was probably going to suck. Some stories just aren't good for movies, that's just how it is. Some things simply just don't make good movies. Like some books just don't translate into good movies, that's just how it is.
Snyder isn't nearly as bad as people say he is, in my opinion. He's criminally underrated. I've enjoyed most of his movies that he directed, the only one I truly didn't like was Sucker Punch. The only reason I sat through that one was because of the nice outfits the girls wore. I didn't get past 10 minutes of Rise of an Empire because I just changed my mind and decided to turn it off, so I can't really judge it and I haven't seen his Guardian movie, whatever it was called.
I don't know why Snyder gets so much hate. From what I've seen, as director, I've enjoyed his work so far for the most part. I'm guessing that most people here who hate on him are just following the 'I hate Zack Snyder' trend and they don't even know why. Same goes for Bay. Somebody raises a good point about his movies being all explosions, and then everybody follows the 'I hate Michael Bay' trend because it's 'the thing' to do. People can't form their own opinions anymore when it comes to movies, directors, actors, etc, that's why they take the critics' reviews seriously and think it's a good way to judge a movie.