MIA where the Toasty random thoughts thread be at yo?


Outlier shaking the meta!
Mar 3, 2004
Reaction score
Am I missing something or did my thread just POOF? Usually I get a notification I've been moved to the wasteland or sewer or fuckitallnobodycares forum but this one seems to have just Vanished. And wasn't there a post from @Mulder_81 that I was just about to mock? Wasn't there an a weird bear @Osculater pestering me there with his weirdness? didn't @HHJ annoy me there too? Is there a poster named @iamlegion or @urlegion or @iamreligion or some such who I was just about to compliment?

Can anyone else confirm the one time existence of this thread to preserve my sanity?

Am I having a paranoid break from reality or do mods sometimes just flex on us mere mortals? Is this all a fever dream, there can't really be a man like @StonedLemur in real life can there.daredevil stop it please.jpg
Am I missing something or did my thread just POOF? Usually I get a notification I've been moved to the wasteland or sewer or fuckitallnobodycares forum but this one seems to have just Vanished. And wasn't there a post from @Mulder_81 that I was just about to mock? Wasn't there an a weird bear @Osculater pestering me there with his weirdness? didn't @HHJ annoy me there too? Is there a poster named @iamlegion or @urlegion or @iamreligion or some such who I was just about to compliment?

Can anyone else confirm the one time existence of this thread to preserve my sanity?

Am I having a paranoid break from reality or do mods sometimes just flex on us mere mortals? Is this all a fever dream, there can't really be a man like @StonedLemur in real life can there.View attachment 1048397
What did I say in the post that you were just about to mock?
What did I say in the post that you were just about to mock?
You were all "I post a lot and you've barely posted since 2004", and I was going to be like "yeah white belt but can anyone remember even one of your posts while everyone loves every single post I ever do" and fu.jpg but the thread just disappeared and I can't figure out what was offensive or what the theory was that it would get nullified. I feel like some random mod said-
In the Mayberry chat thread where it belongs
Aim Become your apprentice sir.jpg The what now? The mayberry chat thread? isn't that what mayberry is a chat thread?
In the Mayberry chat thread where it belongs
ps can you have a talk with @Mulder_81 maybe get him a mentor,,,,he's trying really hard but he sucks and I hate to see a kid flounder around like this with no idea what he is doing.....Also I might need you to ban @Osculater I can't decide yet, can you just hover your finger over the delete button on him and maybe hit it if he posts something stupid in a minute or two in this thread? Thanks
ps can you have a talk with @Mulder_81 maybe get him a mentor,,,,he's trying really hard but he sucks and I hate to see a kid flounder around like this with no idea what he is doing.....Also I might need you to ban @Osculater I can't decide yet, can you just hover your finger over the delete button on him and maybe hit it if he posts something stupid in a minute or two in this thread? Thanks

The chat thread (that is stickied) is an off topic random thoughts thread.
ah ok, that would explain a why my little bunny icon now shows up on that thread, I thought you were just using my popularity to try to promote sherdog and get more advertising dollars in.

See I think you missed the really important bits in the title that said that that was my thread and not one to be shared with other people. I completely understand you're under tremendous pressure and doing the best you can so no harm no foul fair play and thanks for putting it back solo for me

I'll compile a list of other people to ban shortly, thanks for your help

hat tip.JPG

yeah ban @Osculater, the last post above proves he has nothing left, like tony ferguson, sometimes the greats just lose it quickly and need to be put out to pasture for their own good and to protect them from taking further damage.
oh and i figure it out it is @I Am Legion the spaces evidenlty matter, I've decide I like @I Am Legion though I would like @I Am Legion if he changed his name to @iamlegion so I don't get carpal tunnel from hitting that goddamn space bar twice just to get @I Am Legion to pop up
You sure the thread was made here, and not in Reddit ?