Merry Christmas Sherdog!

Merry sherdog !
Seasons greetings one and all

<Goldie11>Merry Christmas you filthy animals...
All of you
Every last one
Have a merry Christmas
And lots of fun

Don't forget that touching cousins
Have to avoid putting buns in the oven
So use a Jimmy hat on your Christmas hard on
Before it's time to go and you get your part on
Merry Christmas Shertards.

1 minute to midnight here (christmas day) and it's been a long day, many beers and lotsa food.

Have a fun, safe day everyone.
Have an ultra-Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry christmas everyone! Stay easy on the alcohol, too many accidents during this time of year.
Merry Christmas to all my Platinum goons. Merry Christmas to all the Platinum haters. Merry Christmas to all shertards, have a great day.
Merry Christmas you bunch of beautiful Bro Montana's. 11 years a counting for this old dog