Mental/Physical head games


White Belt
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
I am only in the middle of my 5th month of BJJ and on a personal level I have seen an amazing amount of improvement both on and off the mat. Me 5 months ago would not want to roll with the Me today. With that said, I feel as though I am very passive. I react during every roll, I never act first.

I don't know if everyone I roll with, particulary other newb whites, are just stronger, more aggressive etc...(I am about 5'11" and around 210lbs) Now I know BJJ isn't about power, comparing yourself to others, etc... but I am finding I am constantly on my back and always in a "bad" position. I never attack, I am always "defending". Which I know is normal especially against more experienced guys and higher belts ( I have no problem with that and learn tons from them). But even if I am fighting someone with less experience than me and lets say I want to work a basic sweep I just learned, there is no way in hell I can pull it off and boom he passes my guard, side mounts me and the escpaes begin. Again, in one sense this is great. My defense and escaping is getting much better but I am questioning my aggressiveness.

Is this normal? Is it mental, is it physical? is it both?

I thought at first, well, I might as well "try something" first. Sometimes, something as simple as pull guard or a sweep and what is the worst that can happen, I end up mounted, big deal, I get mounted anyway. But I am never able to pull any of this off.

Is it just inexperience? but if it is inexperience, how are guys with less time than me continuously getting the best of me? or am I just that friggin passive?

Did this type of thing happen to any of the more experienced guys when they were new? or is it happeing to other new guys right now?

I know it is a journey and takes years. I am just hard on myself and get dissappointed with myself. Not that I would ever quit, I love this sport more than anything I have ever done and I will do it till I die even if I get mounted and schooled for then next 30 years...
All fighting is mental. If you think everyone is stronger/better then they will be. You do not need to be a raving psycho or anything but just be more confident in your abilities that you have learnt. People with greater technique will tend to make you feel like a child. That is what the learning pocess is good for. You do not sound like a weak guy or anything but have you done anything like ground fighting before? Reason i ask is that if not you will be unlikely to have developed the muscles and strength in the areas that are utilised most in ground fighting. The amount of flexibility you have is also very important. If you cannot get that leg up or around then you will be unable to successfully pull off the sweep. People learn at different rates and you may find that at the end of your first year you willl suddenly take off and start to defeat the blue belts. It happens to the best so really do not worry about it. Everyone starts somewhere. Just keep trying and maintain a positive mental attitude. you are good enough and strong enough so just persevere. I got guillotined by a student when i was drunk. Not my best moment so far.
5 months is nothing

prepare to get owned for another 7 months before you start getting the hang of it.
5 months is nothing

prepare to get owned for another 7 months before you start getting the hang of it.

Very true. My development was basically the same way. I was very passive and felt like everyone was constantly putting me in compromised positions. If you stick w/ it, it will turn out in your favor.

Good technique takes time to cultivate. What happens a lot with beginners is they get impatient and learn to rely on strength, speed, athleticism, etc. In the beginning, it's easy to think you suck and these guys are better than you. Take your time and learn good technique - with time you will find yourself in better and better positions and eventually things will click and you will be in the dominant position. The whitebelts that were relying on strength, speed, etc to smash me are still white belts while I have moved on.
ya the other guys said it well
its a huge mental game, sure you need to be physically ready, but you need to believe in yourself mentally, i know that sounds karate kid like, but go in and initiate, dont give up the takedown, fight the guard pass as much as you can