Men do not speak this way about women?


Banned 2X but still here
Dec 25, 2015
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The anti-gun Trump video shows women lip syncing Trump's own words.

TBH, I do not know what's worse. That Trump said these words, or that these people who made the video thank men do not speak that way about women :)

You be the judge. Although his comment about blood coming out of the orifices, that is a common phrase from his generation. People would genuinely say blood coming out of the eyes nose mouth ears when someone is boiling mad.

Have you said stuff that was worse than this? I bet you did.

That Trump said these words, or that these people who made the video thank men do not speak that way about women

there's a rather stark difference between people being assholes in their own private lives, and a public figure trying to become president of the united states talking like that. doesn't shock me in the least that women would despise the guy - in fact, it's even more shocking more women don't. the guy clearly has a problem.

Although his comment about blood coming out of the orifices, that is a common phrase from his generation. People would genuinely say blood coming out of the eyes nose mouth ears when someone is boiling mad

lol ok, but the way he phrased it he made it sound like she was bleeding out of her vagina, e.g. she was on her period. which is a very common and rather rude (and undignified) insult to say towards a woman.

although it's possible i guess he didn't mean it that way, that in talking off the cuff he fucked up and forgot how the phrase ends and ended it with "wherever" and happened to create a rather big coincidental blunder. but given his level of buffoonery and history with saying shit to women, i'd venture to say it was pretty intentional.

i'd also give him a pass if he was really, really angry. we all say horrible shit when we are furious. but he says things very calmly, matter of fact, and all the god damn time, even before he ran for president. if you think it's ok for a president to talk like this, then lets just turn the white house into a WWE ring and actually go through with it, because i'd rather go all in than dance around what it is we want politics to be like now.
Let me guess, Sloppy, you don't think Obama has ever said anything out of line like this. And if someone brings up 'Trayvon could have been my son' you roll your eyes as if that's a perfectly reasonable thing for a president to say. Or how about when Obama runs to Muslims' defense the very day they blow up a bunch of civilians.

Just because someone is president, doesn't mean they aren't ever allowed to say anything that some people feel uncomfortable with. Either it's all OK, or none of it's OK.
I'm voting for trump mainly because he's against the PC Marxist mind controllers. This thread is just one more example of the left thought policing and acting like normal behavior is evil.

They say if you're Asian you shouldn't make Taco's. It's cultural appropriation.
They say a doctor shouldn't tell a fat person their weight may affect their health.
They say men and women are exactly the same.
They say not only should I say a man who wants to be a woman is a woman but I should believe it. Oh, and it depends on the day too. One day they are a woman, then they can go back to a man. That's ok too and I need to go along with it.

These liberals are fucking freaks and Trump is against it. I think this a bigger issue than immigration. The left is trying to usher in 1984 levels of thought control and put an end to free speech. They are anti science and anti liberty. "Being fat has nothing to do with health! It's all a social construct!"
there's a rather stark difference between people being assholes in their own private lives, and a public figure trying to become president of the united states talking like that. doesn't shock me in the least that women would despise the guy - in fact, it's even more shocking more women don't. the guy clearly has a problem.
I agree with this. Presidents should be scripted robots. I want my politicians to have the pandering software upgraded at all times as well.
The Libs are living in their own fantasy land, where all men are Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory.

Last time I checked, the alpha male, homophobic, chauvinistic star of the football team, is still fucking the prom queen.
Still the only other choice will be Hillary.
Women only have equality because men allow it. Men built and created the societies, philosophies and modern comforts that allow for women to have the opportunity to sit at the men's table. It's kind of amusing when women assert that they are equal to men. I think women need to be reminded of what men have done for them once in awhile and that men are more than capable of taking women's equality away.

"If one more woman writes a 50 Shades of Grey type book or makes a Girls type of show, then we are turning the West into Saudi Arabia."

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It's not a coincidence that all these girls in the video are ugly.

Ugly girls have no social skills and no sense of humor
It's not a coincidence that all these girls in the video are ugly.

The fourth girl in the rundown at the end of the vid could get it.

Ugh, I can't believe I just typed that. I'm disgusted with myself. I'll have to eat a vegan lunch, while watching "Steel Magnolias" to make up for my sin.
Women only have equality because men allow it. Men built and created the societies, philosophies and modern comforts that allow for women to have the opportunity to sit at the men's table. It's kind of amusing when women assert that they are equal to men. I think women need to be reminded of what men have done for them once in awhile and that men are more than capable of taking women's equality away.
... the fuck?
hillary has done more to contribute to rape culture than trump has.
there's a rather stark difference between people being assholes in their own private lives, and a public figure trying to become president of the united states talking like that. doesn't shock me in the least that women would despise the guy - in fact, it's even more shocking more women don't. the guy clearly has a problem.

I know the Megan remark was during the race. Everything else was probably before his announcement to run.

Truth is that in today's environment... for many decades now, Flat Chested women cannot be a 10. Why? Grades are in The eye of the beholder, and both men AND women feel this way when grading women on a 1 to 10 scale.

That's what people do.

What specifically do you take issue with?
let's start with the closing sentence that "men are more than capable of taking women's equality away."

Do you actually believe this is possible?
let's start with the closing sentence that "men are more than capable of taking women's equality away."

Do you actually believe this is possible?

Yes, it is very possible that men can take women's equality away if they so choose and with the current "cultural enrichment" being forced on Western countries, it may not be too long before women are wearing burka's and condemned to stoning when they are raped.