Meme Thread: v2

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Conservatives donate more to charity at every income level, both absolute and percent of income

The difference is conservatives care enough to donate their own money whereas liberals will only vote force conservatives to donate money instead of putting up their own
Wrong. Liberals clearly donate more money.
Actually a lot of progressives want to the government to shift it's spending priorities and the tax burden. I don't necessarily want more taxes or to tax more people. Shifting capital gains to be taxed like income for example, would provide a lot of revenue and not tax more people. It would make work and capital more equitable.
Yes I know. I still don't agree but I admit it was a strawman.
Actually a lot of progressives want to the government to shift it's spending priorities and the tax burden. I don't necessarily want more taxes or to tax more people. Shifting capital gains to be taxed like income for example, would provide a lot of revenue and not tax more people. It would make work and capital more equitable.

*want to the
Conservatives donate more to charity at every income level, both absolute and percent of income

The difference is conservatives care enough to donate their own money whereas liberals will only vote force conservatives to donate money instead of putting up their own

Never heard that before, can you source it?

Do those donations include money given to loaded preachers?
Let's keep this thing high energy!







I'm a liberal and find some of these kinda funny.

I doubt you'll find too many far leftist posters on an MMA site though. You'll probably annoy people more by claiming you are making them triggered, than actual triggering of a liberal due to the content of your memes.
I do love the Im tough cause i bought a gun memes.

Well if someone is afraid to touch an inanimate object like a gun then there's nothing more I can do but call them a fucking pussy. Sorry. I don't make up the rules.
like always the right-wing memes are on point, spicy & true
left-wing memes are just desperate, you can smell their frustrations, sad
Post something funny then instead of a being a salty cunt "D

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