Social Meme Thread V110 - Bloodless Coups and Horse Semen

I'm not sure if it can be even reversed at this point, many cities of Europe are so far gone now.

I can only hope that in this life I get to exact some sort of revenge...

I don't care if they have female fire fighters it's just not those female fire fighters. I weigh 300 pounds and I don't think any of them chicks could fireman carry me out of a burning building if I was unconscious. Wish I was rich . I'd offer 10 mil to any female fire fighter who could carry me down 20 flights of stairs and the videos of them trying would probably be hysterical

Should be a we don't care what gender you are but please don't waste our time applying if you aren't a total unit policy.

Also whatever happened to butch lesbians like the one who got Inna fight with them irish brothers in the boondocks. That's who I'm gonna need to rescue me if a dude isn't available.
10M can make magic happen. I can't pick you up but for that amount I'd throw you on my back and run outta there like the juggernaut.