Social Meme Thread v105: Good Guy With a Meme

The Sage of South Central. I've been following this dude's career since I was in high school. He was on radio (KABC), TV (Moral Court), and wrote NYT best-selling books. I had his book Showdown signed at the Borders bookstore in Northridge back then. Awesome dude.

The future of the black community would be far better off if Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder were their influences, rather than Drake, Lamar, & P.Diddy.
Speaking of P. Diddy...

That clip isn't anywhere near as disturbing as the fact it happened 8 years ago, and just now being released to the public... probably as leverage until now.

And a black man beating up his girlfriend?
Stop the presses, this has never happened before.

Social media has had more negatives than positives and this is a prime example.

Normally, this fat sack of shit would only have access to real people around him and he'd be bullied into losing weight, going outside and making his life better. But now he can connect with and rely on all the other useless fat sacks of shit all around the world and they talk each other into believing they're transgender freedom fighters.