Social Meme Thread v.82: Based is the new form of Rebellion

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A couple of months ago, local paper had a very positive article about a group of environmental activists who were opposed to a planned housing development being built in town.

Mind you, this same paper has regular articles discussing the high cost of housing.

I couldn't quite understand why the paper can't seen the correlation between these two issues.

The article about the "environmental activists" was accompanied by a photograph of upper middle class folks around retirement age. The cynic in me feels that their real motivation is to ensure their property values stay high as they approach retirement. Adding more homes within that part of town will drop housing prices. Therefore, they won't be able to cash out and move with the money they made from their over inflated housing sale.
The Atlantic used to be an amazing magazine with some of the best written an comprehensive articles I've ever read.

Then trump happened and the lost their minds.

A one-man cultural force of unimaginable greatness.

Michelangelo (6 March 1475–18 February 1564) was an Italian sculptor, painter and architect of the High Renaissance who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western Art. Considered by many the greatest artist of all time, his versatility was of such a high order that he is often considered the archetypal Renaissance Man along with his rival, the fellow Florentine Leonardo da Vinci. In his lifetime, Michelangelo was often called Il Divino ("The Divine One") and a number of his works of sculpture, painting and architecture rank among the most famous in existence.

He sculpted two of his best-known works, the Pietà and David, before the age of thirty. Despite holding a low opinion of painting, he also created two of the most influential frescoes in the history of Western Art: the scenes from Genesis on the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and The Last Judgment on its altar wall. His design of the Laurentian Library pioneered Mannerist architecture. At the age of 74, he took over as the architect of St. Peter's Basilica.

Michelangelo was the first Western artist whose biography was published while he was alive. In fact, two biographies were published during his lifetime. One of them, by Giorgio Vasari, proposed that Michelangelo's work transcended that of any artist living or dead, and was supreme in not one art alone but in all three. Michelangelo's impassioned, highly personal style resulted in Mannerism, the next major movement in Western art after the High Renaissance.[1][2][3]

What about Tom Cruise stunt double?

Oh, wait.

Those dudes are bitches next to King Cruise.


Yeah, he actually killed these guys though.


As I pointed out in another Thread, the Cruiser was filming an MI scene a few years ago when he broke his ankle jumping from one roof to another. Instead of collapsing in agony like any normal man, Cruise completed the scene. And the take was so good, that was the one they used in the final movie!
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