Meme Thread #60 - An American Voting Server In Germany Edition

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Did you not line your stomach before all that whine? I’ll try and remember to put a warning before I post so you don’t get triggered ya fairy

Posting pro communist propaganda is the equivalent of posting pro Nazi propaganda. It should be stamped out.

Communism is still a major threat to mankind and I showed you the proof. You yourself are proof that it's a serious threat. Communist psychological warfare has changed your perception of reality to such an extent that you can no longer come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending yourself, your family, your community and your country.

Jesus how do you cope with anything in real life when you are this triggered by a few memes! The next two are just for you crybaby. Lots of love.
It's a slap in the face to all the people that have suffered under communist regimes. I'm not ashamed to admit I get triggered by communist propaganda.

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