Mega fights are Here to Stay, Yo


Orange Belt
Jan 2, 2016
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This is only the beginning, folks.

Check out the UFC rankings and see who at or near the top of the has a fight scheduled.

Almost no one...why?

Obviously, cause higher ranked fighters such as Stephen Thompson refuse to take fights against lower ranked up and comers like a Darren Till. I Totally get it, makes sense to do nothing if the champ has to eventually fight you for lack of any other opponents.

No longer the case!

With champion vs. champion as the new way, top fighters can't just sit around and wait for the champ.

They gotta go out and truly earn that shot.
Thankfully, not all fighters are like that. If every single non-champion fighter sat around waiting for a higher ranked opponent, the UFC would just skid to a stop because in every fight one fighter is always higher ranked.

Kudos to those fighters who have the balls to fight someone lower ranked than them.
Lets abolish weight classes and do rankings by twitter followers while we are at it...

fuck wme
if UFC decreases ppv's with the next TV deal we could have more mega ppv cards. Id rather one event with 3 title fights than 3 events with one title fight each.
This is how DC avenges Jon Bones by beating the HW champ .. Something that he won't be able to do before his career is over

WAR DC !! DC = Healthy Cain !!
The ironic part about WB wanting to sit out is that Tyrone did it for 18 months got a TS and actually won the belt