Medial temporal lobe sclerosis, woohoo

OverCoronavirus Pressure

Mayberry = War Room, WR = OT. Shit.
Jan 29, 2015
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But the thread is actually about the pronouncing of words.

Let's start with data. Do you say data like "fate-uh", or "fat-uh" but with a d-sound instead of the f I used in my example?
Or to put it more simply, do you say data like "fate-uh", or "fat-uh" but with a d-sound instead of the f I used in my example?

Indirectly, this thread will turn out to be historically important, so choose carefully what you post in this soon to be epic bunch of garbage.

Back to words. More words, I mean. We never stopped using words.
I pronounce data like fate-uh. Because that's his name. The other is not.
Did you just discover that you have MS?

Tough break, brah.
Do you get to keep the part of the brain they're cutting out?