Mat-induced Acne

Chris Beeby

Brown Belt
Professional Fighter
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
The mats at my gym are questionably clean, as it opens at ~10am and closes at ~8 daily, and to my knowledge they do not clean them mid-day. A classmate commented that he's never seen the mats cleaned, and stated that he was beginning to break out on his knees.

A few days later, the same happened to me. This was about a week ago, and despite extra soap and scrubbing, it's not getting better.

Any tips or suggestions on mat induced acne on the knees?

I'm thinking of buying knee sleeves but I play a very flexible game and I don't know how it'd affect my mobility.
That sucks, maybe ask to have the mats cleaned more often or offer to do it yourself? Our mats don't really seem very clean and I've never seen them cleaned either now that you mention it. Don't mean to hijack the thread but has anyone asked to have the mats at their gym cleaned?

As for the knee acne, I guess you guys are going no gi, maybe you can try gi pants instead of knee sleeves. It won't restrict your mobility and you'll have something between your knees and the mats. Otherwise start applying proactive to your knees. Oh and stop eating so many chocolate bars.
hibiclens. even take it to practice with you. or if your school has a shower, shower immediately after practice.
Its quite likely it could be the beggings of staph. Get some soad with triclosan and some tripple antiobiotic polysporin and put it on. Get it checked out even to be safe. And clean those mats yourself if needs be.

Staph sucks.
That sucks, maybe ask to have the mats cleaned more often or offer to do it yourself? Our mats don't really seem very clean and I've never seen them cleaned either now that you mention it. Don't mean to hijack the thread but has anyone asked to have the mats at their gym cleaned?

As for the knee acne, I guess you guys are going no gi, maybe you can try gi pants instead of knee sleeves. It won't restrict your mobility and you'll have something between your knees and the mats. Otherwise start applying proactive to your knees. Oh and stop eating so many chocolate bars.

The guy who talked to me about it requested that they are cleaned more, but as I'm only there 20% of the time the gym is open, I really have no way of knowing if they actually clean it enough.

I recognize and appreciate your suggestion on the Gi pants, but anything Gi related is frowned upon/laughed at as it's actually Luta Livre. I'm checking out some Aoki style pants and some knee sleeves right now.

It's funny that you made the chocolate crack because it started right when I went on a 100% clean cut.

I feel very dirty right now, as you mentioned it could be staph, and getting out of the shower I noticed a small spot on my back that looks like it is either ringworm or a bruise, and is too far out of sight to tell.

Maybe getting put off the mat for the worm will solve my problem. :icon_cry2
Its quite likely it could be the beggings of staph. Get some soad with triclosan and some tripple antiobiotic polysporin and put it on. Get it checked out even to be safe.

+1. Beginning of a staph infection & acne, similar symptoms. Knees kind of an odd place to suddenly develop acne. You should really get that checked out ASAP because the more time a staph infection has to set in, the harder it will be to get rid of.

And I know you are not going to want to hear this, but until you see a doc you should not roll. Knees are constantly on the mats, which are constantly in contact with everyone's skinned elbows, feet, etc. If it does turn out to be staph, that could be a bad scene. You do not want to be the guy responsible for a staph outbreak that hits your whole gym. Hit the cardio and weights until you're sure it's not staph.
I believe i go to the same gym.

I've seen the mat cleaned a few times since i've been there, but it does often seem somewhat dirty. That said, i haven't had any problems (yet) just by making sure i shower directly after rolling. No matter how clean the mat is.. you're still rolling around with another sweaty guy :p...
Could also just be ingrown hairs. You can buy some decent kneepads for about $15. Don't worry about it affecting your game, gazillions of wrestlers wear them without a problem.