International Massive corruption probe in Ukraine and wave of resignations/sacking including defense minister

How is Tucker Carlson a traitor?

He supports an enemy of the USA

Not supporting Ukraine as an American is treason?

This isn't about Ukraine, is bigger than that is about America and its world order vs Russia and their own world order.

wtf kind of logic is that and why is America patriotically obligated to flood a corrupt racist shithole with money that could be used on poor people in Chicago and elsewhere

First of all, i don't see how old American tanks, ammo and weapons would help Chicago.

Second, these Russan shills would be the first to cry "muh socialism" if America tried to help its own poor, while ironically supporting Russia which is the main supporter of actual socialist regimes out there.
Russia purges corrupt politicians too.



This isn't about Ukraine, is bigger than that is about America and its world order vs Russia and their own world order.

didn’t you call people stupid in this thread for seeing the Ukraine problem in this context?
Anyways I’m at work right now. Will talk to you pussies later.
didn’t you call people stupid in this thread for seeing the Ukraine problem in this context?

Are you denying that Russia is hostile to the US and its interests?

You asked why would the USA support Ukraine, and the answer is simple, because they are fighting against Russia.
anywhere money is being sent quickly you will find corruption and fraud.
The top analysts are saying that the first half of this year will pretty much indicate the conclusion of the war and the first month is shaping up to be really bad for Ukraine.

Indications show that Russian supplies/ammo is in high reserves (claims were made that Russia ran out of drones and other stuff and then Russia just renews attacks periodically on Ukraine grid and defensive positions).

Reserves are steadily tricking in.

Discord is showing in Ukraine’s war effort more than on Russia’s side like people were expecting.

We’re starting to see cracks in Ukrainian resolve. Millions of men are fleeing mobilization like in Russia.

Zelensky’s crackdown on suspected Russia-connected churches is also potentially bad.

When the USSR was being ravaged by Nazi Germany, the staunchly atheist Stalin allowed all churches to reopen to boost moral and reduce neuroticism and Zelensky is doing the opposite.
Yeah yeah, Zelensky needs to be more like Stalin lmao
Good gentle Christ, do you even read what you write? It's one huge mess of reality-inverted diarrhea after another
Are you denying that Russia is hostile to the US and its interests?

You asked why would the USA support Ukraine, and the answer is simple, because they are fighting against Russia.

I think both countries are hostile to each other’s interests but I also believe that Russia made sincere efforts towards productive relations and Washington didn’t respond appropriately.

Ukraine is just a piece of shit country that’s an insult towards every basic human virtue
I think both countries are hostile to each other’s interests but I also believe that Russia made sincere efforts towards productive relations and Washington didn’t respond appropriately.

Ukraine is just a piece of shit country that’s an insult towards every basic human virtue
Yeah yeah, Zelensky needs to be more like Stalin lmao
Good gentle Christ, do you even read what you write? It's one huge mess of reality-inverted diarrhea after another

the village dunce is back.

me “Zelensky made a tactical error that Stalin didn’t make”

dummy “haha you said Zelensky should be like Stalin u so stupid”

what a fucking shit brained imbecile go spit on yourself
I think both countries are hostile to each other’s interests but I also believe that Russia made sincere efforts towards productive relations and Washington didn’t respond appropriately.

Glad, so we agree Russia and the West are enemies, you see why it makes perfect sense to support Ukraine now?

Ukraine is just a piece of shit country that’s an insult towards every basic human virtue

It would still be a shit country if Russia took it over, but this way they are bleeding Russia instead of making it stronger.

The buck stops here and after this war Russia will never come close to matching the West militarily, economically or politically. Russia will be completely encircled by Western aligned countries armed to the teeth.
The buck stops here and after this war Russia will never come close to matching the West militarily, economically or politically. Russia will be completely encircled by Western aligned countries armed to the teeth.

For anyone wondering why Russia took the course that it did- here is the reason.

The three headed blood thirsty dragon revealed himself.
For anyone wondering why Russia took the course that it did- here is the reason.

The three headed blood thirsty dragon revealed himself.

Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy isn't?

Russia took the path that directly put them in opposition to the West and now they say they feel threatened by the West when the West responds in kind.

Russia is a shithole run by warlords and mobsters, in retrospective we kind of knew that after the whole Magnistky affair but most Westerners believed that Russia could still be a friend, fat chance now.
im a software engineer for a Wall Street bank, I told you this before

Of course, working for an evil western capitalism bank because they pay USD, not Russia because they pay in rubles.

I wonder what make you guys hate the West so much when you are clearly enjoying a way superior life thanks to it.
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Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy isn't?

Russia took the path that directly put them in opposition to the West and now they say they feel threatened by the West when the West responds in kind.

Russia is a shithole run by warlords and mobsters, in retrospective we kind of knew that after the whole Magnistky affair but most Westerners believed that Russia could still be a friend, fat chance now.

In my opinion it’s a self fulfilling prophecy but on the west’s side.

Washington treated Russia like an enemy and ended up creating one.

and also- if corruption is an impediment towards Western partnership- why is America so fond of Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, etc.

All of your Russophobic ignorance will not stand against logic
Of course, working for an evil western capitalism bank because they pay USD, not Russia because they pay in rubles.

I wonder what make you guys hate the West so much when you are clearly enjoying a way superior life thanks to it.

why do you assume I don’t like America or that I’m a socialist?

I’m staunchly against western foreign policy, that doesn’t mean I don’t love the American people or that I don’t want Russia to be like the West in as many ways as possible.

Your government created this geopolitical tragedy because of ignorant assumptions like this
Ukraine has been exposed as the “most corrupt country in Europe” for years. I can’t help thinking this is less about cracking down on corruption and more about getting rid of potential political enemies.

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