Economy Mass protests against Inflation

I had joked in other threads over the last few months that the democrats platform is “inflation to save the planet through green policy, high crime to save the minorities in the fight for equity, and if you don’t like it, we guarantee you can kill your baby”

but damn, she really said it all out loud. To be honest though, they embrace it tho, just look at bill gates cheering on high energy prices going into the winter (will certainly lead to death). But he says it like it is obviously the way to go and he would be shocked people aren’t on board.

“Oh yea, clearly we need this so that people are forced to die and/or convert to unreliable energy. I could donate money to end world hunter fox climate change, etc, but instead I want people to struggle paying their energy bills”

These people are sick, if not demons

Ah yes it would be good for Europe/Europeans because it would create, generate alternative renewable energy sources like solar, wind.

Solar Power would not work very well in most if not majority of Eastern Euporean Countries simply due to the climate, which could also drive the energy costs no difference from gas option.
What policy?
He means the policy of ignoring Covid, no masking, enabling long-Covid which creates lack of workforce participation which creates a bottleneck for labor demand.
He means the policy of ignoring Covid, no masking, enabling long-Covid which creates lack of workforce participation which creates a bottleneck for labor demand.
Couldn’t have anything to do with all our shit being made in China who had complete lock downs causing the supply chain to collapse all brought on by neolib policy enacted over the last 40 years.
Guilder age 2.0
I went to the store today and prices went up almost double for some items since two weeks ago.
Biden’s America.
Always is opportunity to relocate to Russia.
Or elect Donald and turn US into something like Russia.

Inflation will disappear.
Salaries will be very good.
Prices low.
Unemployment 0.
Pensions high.
Generous benefits.
Cheap fuel.

Etc dreams.:D

As average voter rush to elect Donald and he will tell you: piss off with your problems, earn money and shut mouth. America ( oligarchs ) first.
Not plebs and their problems.:D
Infrastructure Bill didnt cause inflation. Neither did energy prices contribute much.

The big driver is lack of workforce participation, the hundreds of millions who did from Covid, the millions of Long Covid victims, and particularly women, BIPOC,
Less workers means higher wages for talent. Higher wages means more demand, which is what is causing core inflation.

It makes more sense to blame anti-vaxxers for inflation more than Biden.
If you think energy costs including the price of fuel is not a major factor in inflation, you really are much worse than just a troll. Hundreds of millions died from Covid? WTF? You can not be serious.
Corporations are raising prices faster than their costs are fattening profit margins. Fuel costs are out of control causing delivery price to go up raising prices. We over spend as governments, and yes most in the world are liberal. The handouts are insane.
Unfortunately, in the real world, problems aren't just caused by some evil force that we can easily identify and oppose. High inflation isn't something that anyone actually wants (tends to disproportionately hurt rich people, in fact), and it's caused by a complex chain of events around the world. In America, at least, the burst we got over the past year is partly a result of the strong fiscal response to the pandemic-induced downturn in the economy that also led to explosive growth (2021 saw the strongest growth in the U.S. economy in 40 years) and rapid employment recovery. That's probably responsible for two points over target. Then we had shifts in spending (also pandemic related) that caused some readjustment, and then a crazy dictator invaded a democratic country, causing some other major disruptions in various markets.

Seeing CTers struggle to understand reality reminds me of the (sympathetically portrayed) tenant in The Grapes of Wrath:
I don’t think “hurt” is the right word here….
They're called that because they behave just as you would expect from an establishment left. A lot of the nonsense they promote themselves like David's law and how we see lockdowns and rules implemented. When someone says "they're pretty much establishment left by US standards" it's perfectly uncontroversial statement.
go back to the meme thread, youre drunk.
go back to the meme thread, youre drunk.
I'd like to hear why why you think they're the same? I notice a lot of your posts are just 1-liner slams and vitriol thrown at anyone who doesn't think like you.
If Trump were still president, not only would about half of prices be rising less than the mean, some would be rising *much* less than the mean.
Trumps America was truly a great time in history, he made America great again.




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If you think energy costs including the price of fuel is not a major factor in inflation, you really are much worse than just a troll. Hundreds of millions died from Covid? WTF? You can not be serious.
Corporations are raising prices faster than their costs are fattening profit margins. Fuel costs are out of control causing delivery price to go up raising prices. We over spend as governments, and yes most in the world are liberal. The handouts are insane.
Corporations are raising prices because of higher demands.

Higher demands came from pandemic savings, but more importantly, higher salary wages.

Higher salary wages came because there werent enough people to work.

There werent enough people to work because of Long Covid and Covid Deaths

Its not energy in the USA
Biden already brought the gas prices down

Also most Right Wing nuts wouldnt want the Government to force businesses to control prices of goods so that will probably never happen
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Pretty simple fix, just print more money

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