Mark Hunt's shirtless, sponsor-less entrance, manliness walkout ever?

Yea I must say all these fans that are on the Bandwagon are new fans that weren't around or they were around and talked soo much shit about him. He was basically a Pride washout to most fans. Hunt's only fans were mostly hardcore nuthuggers who never gave up on him (Maybe 9% of MMA fans?). I usually get mad about it and say you ***s weren't on the wagon but with Mark Hunt. I don't really care, the more the merrier. Hunt deserves the respect he is getting it just sucks it took so long to get it.

More like 9% of Sherdog fans :icon_lol:
Maybe the UFC sponsors him. I saw him wearing a UFC cap in a picture backstage with Big Foot. And he has showed sponsor's logos in previous fights. He stopped in the JDS fight.

Hunt is the shit. He doesn't give a shit about all that sponsorship crap. The man is a warrior and he just wants to fight. Its impossible to dislike the guy.
He's a total boss. If you wanted someone backing you up in bar when 5 knobheads kick off on you, Mark Hunt is your man. Fuck technique, he'll leave all 5 dudes facedown.