Hunt talked all that shit for months, lost and now wants millions. he can fuck off with his whining.
lol at this horseshit.People acting like the substance Brock was caught with could be anything....
Like what ... excess cookies ? Too much soda drinks ?! Horse meat ? Dont tell me it's horse meat.
Hunt should sue the UFC for DIRECTLY endangering his life.
For the UNREASONABLE FOLKS in here saying he said he would fight, he wasn't scared, so he doesn't deserve the money I have a question :
- If a man says he isn't afraid to die or whatever, and then gets murdered, does the killer walk simply cause the victim was brave ?
What a completely idiotic way to look at this. You must be a pro wrestling fan or a PED abuser.Hunt talked all that shit for months, lost and now wants millions. he can fuck off with his whining.
never seen someone who got their head beat in sound so entitled. think if you get caught cheating all your pay should be withheld. What kind of message does it send to other fighters that if you cheat you make 2.5 million dollars. Missing weight is not cheating that is different plus you don't have to take the fight if you don't want to or take the fight and 20 %.
I also laugh at you spending the time on that post to produce something that pointless.That's all you got ?
Love Hunto but he didn't do shit in that fight.
Cheaters can fuck off with their cheating.Hunt talked all that shit for months, lost and now wants millions. he can fuck off with his whining.
Something's gotta be done, Brock was paid more than anyone ever for that tainted fight. can fuck off with their cheating.
The only thing that keeps it going is that the penalty isn't harsh enough to merit fighting clean.
Quick draw!
those are career enders for most fighters.
I can't tink of a reason he shouldn't be salty. Or want more moonehFunny how he never made statements like this after Bigfoot and Mir tested positive. He's just salty after seeing how much Brock got paid. As a dude that's said numerous things like he doesn't care if someone's on stuff blah blah he's now being ridiculous and just comes across as a money grabber.
I also laugh at you spending the time on that post to produce something that pointless.