Mark Hunt is a hypocrite...

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Yellow Belt
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Just saying,

Mark Hunt before Frank Mir fight:
"Yeah it can be funny, but I don’t like trash talking. Some fighters use it the psych themselves into battle and I can see why some need to do that. It’s not me. I’m not like that."

Mark Hunt before Brock Lesnar fight:
"I already said they better be testing him, but in the end it doesn’t even matter. It’s time for ‘punch face’, a game I have been playing for many years. I’ll knock his face off. I knock his mouth off and then his lips fly off."

"If he has an itch to scratch I will scratch it for him," Hunt said. "I ain’t no part time fighter. He thinks this is a game where he can come back and forth."

"I will send this pretender back so he can play house with the other part timers. This realm is for the real fighters, not these damn pretenders."

"Don’t confuse wrestling with real fighting. I’m going to give it to him"

hes trying to psych himself up against brock lol
Who gives a shit
No one will remember him after Brock is done with him
Well, Mark can back his mouth up better than most I say lol.
Lesnar by spinning kick, first round
Honestly it is pretty strange for Hunt to talk like that. He's super chill normally.
Happy trails, TS.

dana might request from him to spice it up a little bit to hype the fight.and hunt is a good company man.
He doesn't need to talk shit. He wants to talk shit........cause its Brock.
It's the $$$$ and nothing more lol.
Just saying,

Mark Hunt before Frank Mir fight:

Mark Hunt before Brock Lesnar fight:

hes trying to psych himself up against brock lol
I think it's cool AF that Hunt is hyping this fight. The guy is the favorite to win, has been putting in his work and everyone is talking about the dude that rolled out of bed one morning and decided to go back to the UFC. I hope Hunt is pissed and we get to see him extremely aggressive at 200. Can't Wait!!!
He is talking shit to promote the fight...
Has to be one of the most unnatural thing to see Hunto do this
Maybe he has PPV points for this one :)
lmao at Mark Hunt chastising a part time fighter

Brock Lesnar has probably done more MMA training in these past 5 years than Mark Hunt did in the first 10 years of his career.
Maybe that's just how he feels.

I think there is a difference between Chael Sonnen style "trash talk" and just telling an interviewer how you feel. Hunt is/was never one to make up ridiculous trash talk or make up a fake feud. He says what he thinks. I guess I wouldn't call it trash talk.
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