Man this seems so genuine from Jones..

After seeing everything from ol Jon, I have a hard time believing he is genuine
I think it was genuine. Jones is a huge sinner that we all judge, but none of us can get in his way. Or do anything about it 'cept talk crap, behind his back. He'll sin how he wants to, but God gave him great gifts and God knows a good heart when he sees one, 'cause that's what God's after. Jones isn't a commandment sinner, he's just a mental mess. Nothing wrong with that. I'm sure his teammates love having him around, 'cause if he wasn't nice to Henry, Henry would kick him out of the gym.

Reminds me of a sage quote:

Don’t judge others just because you choose to sin differently.”
He’s just hardwired for chaos in and outside the cage. Yes I believe its genuine, but that doesn’t correlate to him having self control
It was legit, in the moment.
This. It was legit and doesn't seem fake at all. Competition/rivalry like that also brings respect for the other fighter. DC brought out the best out of Jones in those fights because of the rivalry.
People have moments of insanity. This was a moment of genuine respect and admiration. Like one poster said here, it was a fleeting moment.

This is common in the world of infatuation. You fall madly for them thinking its pure love and it is so intense and heavy only for it to wear off in an instant and be forever forgotten and to never be recaptured ever again.
I wish it was , I really wish it was , really classy moment, but it’s hard to believe what this guy says
I don't like Jones generally, but I thought that was rather decent and classy of him. I mean his opponent was beaten and crying there, he could have poured it on and really salted the wound but he took the high road.
Sure could be an act but man I feel like he seems so truthful here, whats your call? Legit or master manipulator?
Normally, I wouldn't even watch the video and just say that Jon has skated through life being able to summon the sincerity and genuine tears of a televangelist when he needs to get out of trouble, but in this case, maybe he did feel a little of that, or maybe he knew that would get him some desperately needed fans, or maybe it made him feel like the really good guy that he always wanted to be. It sounds genuine and rehearsed at the same time, maybe it's both.
Wouldn't it be a great storyline if DC took Jones under his wing to mentor him and train him for his move to heavyweight! Kind of like Apollo Creed and Rocky!
Didn't he pop a couple of days later lol. Very genuine indeed.
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Genuine and Jones is one of the largest oxymorons I've come across. Thank you.
Fatso Cormier always starts things and then Jon gets hate for responding. Been that way from the start <45>

Sure could be an act but man I feel like he seems so truthful here, whats your call? Legit or master manipulator?

He cheated to win this fight so,is this a troll post?
As messed up as Jones is you could see that he was trying to change something in himself when he came back. Everything about him seemed less dark before the second Cormier fight.

If he had dropped alcohol and drugs for good at that point maybe he could have changed. That brief period was the best he looked, talked, acted, and the longest he stayed out of trouble.

Yeah yeah he tested positive for turinabol after the fight but that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about alcohol, coke and the mistakes he makes under their influence.