Man. Deathproof is a terrible movie

Great movie, that seems to get better with every rewatch, ages like a fine wine. I've seen it probably a dozen times. Not in his top 3 or anything, but probably QT's most underrated movie. His hidden gem

I remember seeing GRINDHOUSE in the theater, PLANET TERROR was a one & done sillyfest for me. No need to ever rewatch that one again. Like a joke that went on way too long

It's obviously not fair though, comparing Tarantino to Rodriguez is like comparing a Rembrandt to the guy at the local fair who will draw your caricature for twenty bucks.

To each their own & all that of course, but for me DEATH PROOF is a film full of magic. Like 4 or 5 legit shiver down my spine moments


Terrible comparison. Rodriguez outdid Tarantino on their collaboration. The concept was Grindhouse and he killed it while Tarantino half assed it. He's also got classics in his catalog like El Mariachi, Desperado, From Dusk Til Dawn, Sin City.
By farrrrrrrr Tarantino’s worst. First time I’ve seen it. Last time I’ll see it. Just. Awful.
Agreed. It's definitely his worst movie. What a waste of slot on his "Only 10" list. But that comes down to the story for me. It was kinda lame compared to what I thought it was gonna be. It's a beautiful movie and well put together, as all of his are. To me though, this is possibly his most beautiful looking film.

I would have liked it A LOT more if Stuntman Mike
won and didn't die at the end. Even better if he kills all of the women and drives off into the sunset.

As is, the ending got a big groan from me.
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Tarantino is a caricature of himself at this point. Death Proof is a prime example & its the worst movie i have ever seen. Hes high on his own farts with his "dialogue"...

Dogs & Pulp are great films and after that, hes just gimmicky & full of himself.

Sure, some of his other films have moments or scenes that are great.....but thats it.
I didn't mind it tbh. But I watched Grindhouse as a whole in the cinema and I thought Planet Terror was absolute dogshit, and so Death Proof seemed like somewhat of an improvement following up that stinker. Probably if I watched it again on its own I'd be a bit harsher
Terrible comparison. Rodriguez outdid Tarantino on their collaboration. The concept was Grindhouse and he killed it while Tarantino half assed it.
Depends on how you look at it. While "Planet Terror" is a fun and a more entertaining movie, it's not really in the spirit of those old B-movies they were going for. It's a big budget caricature of a B-Movie, with incredible special effects and CGI doing the heavy lifting. Tarantino stayed more true to the spirit of those flicks, with a minimalist approach.
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I actually prefer it to Plant Terror
So do I

Also it being the "least good" Tarantino movie still means its pretty good. I dont rewatch it too much but i very much enjoyed the first run through.

I dont think his intent was to make a movie on par with his other ones. This was a more laid back old school B -movie horror flick and I think he did a great job w that. I used to love films like this growind up and I thought it captured that spirit. Im raised on movies like The Wraith and so on and this was kinda like that.
Depends on how you look at it. While "Planet Terror" is a fun and a more entertaining movie, it's not really in the spirit of those old B-movies they were going for. It's a big budget caricature of a B-Movie, with incredible special effects and CGI doing the heavy lifting. Tarantino stayed more true to the spirit of those flicks, with a minimalist approach.
I highly disagree. Both films were meant to be big budget spins on old B movies. Tarantino filled his with typical Tarantino dialogue and not enough action. The worst part is he hired 6 main actresses and none of them got naked. Literally the best part of his film is Kurt Russell getting a lap dance.
The standalone version imo is better than the grindhouse version. But still far from his best work. I'd rank Hateful 8 higher than this.
Now that tubi is around and I have seen some 70s movies I get what he was going for.