Magneto is marvel's greatest villain

(Comics Only) Who is Marvel's Greatest Villain?

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You're fucking stupid if you don't think it's Doom.
Magneto isn't a villain.
I just dont understand how doom is up there. How does he match with the likes of thanos and galactus
No, Dr. Doom is.
Galactus isn't a villain, more of a threat and he is Marvel's best version of that even though they haven't treated him well so often.
Thanos is an emo bitch.
Magneto is a nancy.
Kang is cool as a threat, not really a deep character beyond storylines though.
Apocalypse is cool, but is rarely written well, at his best he's less of an actual villain. Magneto is more of a villain than Apocalypse when the former is written well.
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Sinister is in my top 5. When done right, he is my favorite. He's rarely done right, though.
Apocalypse is hands down the most one note boring villain in comic books.

I wouldn’t mind if they put him on the shelf for a decade and no one was allowed to use him.

Sabertooth, Baron Zemo, Doc Ock, Kingpin are all better villains than apocalypse
Just how?

Doom is human, correct?
Doom is a top 3 genius in Marvel.

His suit is on par or better than Iron Man's.

He is one of Marvel's strongest magic users, he was Sorcerer Supreme at ine time...the same thing Dr. Strange was if that tells you anything.

He has stolen Galactus' power twice iirc.

And he killed Thanos after his latest power up.

Doom is always getting some kind of cosmic power, more than any other character in Marvel, really.
I always thought Magneto had the most useful power. It allowed him to fly and do all kinds of cool stuff

Magneto's biggest power is that there's always some dope willing to break him out of whatever plastic box the government has him in this time.
Since when was Reed a master in Judo?
It's not hard to convince a woman you're a judo master.

On topic, my favorite is Thanos but Doom is a very very close second.

I used to read a comic called Doom 2099 where he woke up in the future with nothing and had to rebuild his empire. It was awesome.