Mackenzie Dern would most likely choke Floyd Mayweather unconscious. True or False?

Ares Black

Asteroid Belt
Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
In an MMA match at 135lbs, who would win, and how?

Mackenzie Dern(6-0 MMA)


Floyd Mayweather (50-0 Boxing)


you guys act like it's impossible to stop takedowns. Look at wonderboy, he's a scrawny kickboxer..stops wrestlers takedowns.
No, this is what would happen.
I'd gladly wrestle Dern on floyds behalf
By odins beard its the ronda arguments all over again
Floyds wins all day ...supertits gets kod before she can even attenpt a takedown and floyd would have been working sprawls for 3 months solid anyway
They could both learn how to read English together.
She couldn't choke Ashley Yoder unconscious so I have my doubts.
I'd practice triangle defense with her for extended periods of time.
Floyd has the upper body strength of a male world class athlete and 35 lbs on her. Absolutely no chance.
floyd would knock her right the fuck out in about ten seconds you fucking idiots.
Dern would mystifiy and flummox Floyd with her mammaries,exploding out of her gi top.
Depending when and who floyd fights I think he'll perform better than what people expect. Saying some girl just because she knows subs make take him out is ridiculous
That tubby bitch would be unconscious before the round was 10 seconds old