M1T Methyl-1-Testosterone


Blue Belt
Feb 21, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry if this is a repost and that i'm a noob....

Does anyone know much about M1T?

The stack is 1 10mg tab 3 x daily with a fat burner (Thermoburn), Milk Thistle, Multi Vitamin and Tribulus...

The claim is that this is the safest and most substantial testosterone increasing supplement. I don't buy into claims and the fact that the stack includes a liver cleaner (milk thistle) must say something. The cycle is 2-4 weeks with the next 2-4 weeks on Trib only. Seems to me an extra hippie liver cleanse would also be necessary post cycle.

Any help from anyone actully taking this or something similar would be helpfull...

uh, any time you take an oralm you're going to need liver support.

M1T has gotten garbage reviews. Are you trying this because you can't find real juice?
Thanks for your reply..

No...actually my supplement source is pushing this stuff and both my brother and my buddy plan on taking it, thinking its the next best alternative to HGH or juice. By nature of my employment I can't take any hormone type shit...but my suspicions about the liver damage appear to be true...

Any extra info is appreciated
No...actually my supplement source is pushing this stuff and both my brother and my buddy plan on taking it, thinking its the next best alternative to HGH or juice.

It's the next worse alternative. And the liver damage typically only applies to orals or improper stacks.
My buddy has taken this 3 cycles, each time he went from about 155 up to 165-170, but lost the weight very quickly after. we use to go to the gym 5-6 days a week, but he didnt eat clean.

If you want my honest opinion, save your money it isnt worth it. i havent taken it, but ive seen someone close take it for a while.

He was also very grumpy on this shit too

another friend of mine is taking it who eats better, and he said its helping, but i havent seen anything diffrent then what hard work would do for him.
M1T is a steroid
plain and simple
and a shitty one with horrible sides

BTW taking a cycle for 2-4 weeks isnt smart either,
Sup stores that push this need to hang themselves
M1T is garbage.

first off, it's a real anabol-androgenic steroid, unlike some scam product that claimes to boost your test levels by 400% naturally, or whatever the claims.

however, like any oral steroid, it has to be methylated to survive your liver, but this is what makes it hard on your liver. also, like bascially all orals, it gives super fleeting gains. most people lose everything or close to everything after they end their cycle. worse, it has some of the nastiest sides of any AAS. bloating, hair loss, blood pressure, blood lipid levels- they all go to shit on M1T.

...and the shit is pretty much infamous for giving minimal strength gains. it bascially give you water bloated size gains when you're on and fucks up your blood lipids. avoid that shit ike the plague.

if you want a formerly legal oral steroid to use, try to find a bottlle or 2 of superdrol. at least that could get you some gains. never ever take any steroid though unless you understand everything about what you can and cannot do on cycle, and how to come off of one.
BTW taking a cycle for 2-4 weeks isnt smart either,
Sup stores that push this need to hang themselves
i have actually heard about people doing 2on, 2off, 3on, 2off, cycles like that with good results with stuff like tren a and test prop, but meh, yeah it's usually a sign of some stupid scam. personally i'd rather run soething in the neighborhood of 1-14 weeks, do a pct and then see what i have. who the hell wants to be cycling all the time?
i have actually heard about people doing 2on, 2off, 3on, 2off, cycles like that with good results with stuff like tren a and test prop, but meh, yeah it's usually a sign of some stupid scam. personally i'd rather run soething in the neighborhood of 1-14 weeks, do a pct and then see what i have. who the hell wants to be cycling all the time?

IMO that kinda yoyo cycling is worse than staying on for your endocrine system
esp for something that will shut your HPTA down like tren (or M1T)

and test "booster (or GH booster for that matter)= garbage
well like i said man, i know people who've run them successfully. i know all the theory, but in the end it's what works that matters. like for me sersonally i don't have to test every cycle to keep my libido. deca only should give me a useless cock, but it doesn't affect me. plus, i don't think these microcycles have been studied hardly at all.
M1T is real, and much like a normal steroid. If you're looking for Prohormones, there's things on the market that are safer, more effective, and have less sides.
Thanks for the info - (I feel like the guy going to the doctor asking about a condition and saying my brother or friend has it)...

This is not for me...I just need ammo for my suspicions that this was unsafe to your liver etc.

I am an endurance athlete...and with summer coming up Beta - Carnosine is my drug of choice...
