Yeah, but you are taking away Avatar, like it doesn't count. Diesel isn't exactly DeNiro either, and has just slid into roles that suited him. Without The FF movies, who is he? Riddick? The Witch Hunter? Most action stars need to luck out a bit to become household names. Worthington, for whatever reason, was in demand as a leading man that year, as both "Terminator Salvation" and "Clash of the Titans" came out around the same time. They didn't pick his name out of hat, or anything. He was in demand for whatever reason. It's what separates guys like him, from Jai Courtney. Sometimes these guys getting pushed luck out and fall into a franchise that clicks. Sometimes they don't. There's no formula. Most action stars are just lucky that they found a good franchise that eluded a thousand other potential action movie stars.
Besides all that, the point was that Vin Diesel was lucky to not only get a role that could be voiced by literally anybody, but that it turned into a multi-billion dollar franchise, where he probably gets the same cut as Chris Pratt. Anybody who got that role would be one of luckiest actors on Earth. Nothing to do with overall career. It's a stupid amount of money for doing practically nothing. The hardest part of his job on that movie are press tours.