Low Recruit Discipline Prompts Army to Redesign Basic Training

Who cares. Wars will be fought by nerds behind laptops soon anyways.


Here's your new American warrior

"Um...yeaaa... Bad Cat 6...send me those 8 digit grids again...fire for effect..."
Who cares. Wars will be fought by nerds behind laptops soon anyways.


Corporal Dronenstien reporting for duty sir!

All jokes aside, I think things may turn in the direction that Metal Gear Solid 4 predicted. Private or very small and elite armies with very advanced technology fighting other small armies in places that are basically permanent war zones. The fighting will, almost always, be for economic interests rather than national concerns. Notice that our post WWII conflicts were always with nations that didn't have atomic warheads. Suitable targets for those types of invasions are getting more and more difficult to find.
Ever bang a wook ?

Haha, nah, I was with 2nd Division so we never saw any WM's unless we went to the French Creek gym. My group of buddies and I were pretty aggressive with the booze so we spent our free time at the barracks getting hammered.
I wouldnt join the army for 20 to 30k a year either.

They pay for your living and you have the VA and the GI bill. It isn't a bad choice. Just play it safe. Most people have zero equity so the military would be a better choice for most.
I don't think so. I think it is societal. This generation is just not as strong as ours were. When I went through in 2001 (Marines) you could tell which recruits had been coddled at home. Now that 10% is most of the new recruits. To many electronics and entitlement in school makes these kids less capable.

Alan, I'm having a real tough time understanding where you stand on things.

Here I thought you were a die-hard Republican, but now you are extolling the benefits of an organization that is run by insanely socialistic standards.
We had one kid that, for some reason or another, looked as if he had never actually thrown an object in his entire life.

This was during infantry school, when we trained with the dummy grenades (blue bodies).

That poor fucker got made fun of so bad.

I can't get my head around that. I'm a fat, middle-aged civilian. Five years ago I was playing Paintball. I threw a, "paint grenade" about 40 yards onto the second level of a two story fort the other team were defending. From ground level. And you're telling me some kid can't throw a grenade 30 yards on flat ground?
Somewhat generalizing, yes. But if you end up in boot camp/ the fleet with some of these goofy little finger painters, you'd start lamenting the system that produced them too.

Yeah i'm not buying it

Your boot camp standards are your business and your right to manage troops how you need them to perform out there, that's the military's call. But to flip the standards for sturdy war engagement onto the civilian population would create some Orwellian dystopian ubermench society that has nothing to do with the freedoms we established to get this country to where it is now

Anyone who complains about modern causes being tossed around and campaigns for social justice and the "liberal pussification" of America deserves to be fucking stoned to death for premarital sex because that's what social justice and liberalism protects our ass against and soldiers should appreciate that more than anyone

Your kid wouldn't be able to go to Prom in the States without rolling the dice on the chances he sentences his date to an honor killing for hooking up with their boyfriend, fuck your tough guy blanket statements on how giving a shit about human protections wholesale in this day and age is weak just because you know a bunch of causes or external behaviors that annoy you, that's some mussolini era bullshit lol

As human communities modernized and developed they started making international laws and national standards for human rights and protections, you have every right to spit on that same impulse today because twitter kids hurt your feelings but I'm going to call you a massive pussy for being that sensitive to "reform" impulses that landed you here today in the land of the free. So yeah, you don't get to remove homosexuals from the pool of humans or drop your babies with birth defects into a pit like the early greeks in the name of keeping boot camp standards apply to the whole country because that would make you the modern day enemies of those pesky human rights we fight to keep from taking over our countries and destroying their first world protections. Good for boot camp though, so high five.


That mentality is spoiled and childish
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Uniform standards are a hallmark of cis-gendered white male patriarchy. The army must remove this oppressive practice. Also the name army invokes thoughts of fighting and war, and therefore constitutes microaggression towards minorities of foreign origins and natives. We also need a safe space for LGBTQ+ since the army has a toxic culture of masculinity, which may trigger trauma in these historically victimized groups. Physical training should also cease, since fitness is bodyshaming.

Corporal Dronenstien reporting for duty sir!

All jokes aside, I think things may turn in the direction that Metal Gear Solid 4 predicted. Private or very small and elite armies with very advanced technology fighting other small armies in places that are basically permanent war zones. The fighting will, almost always, be for economic interests rather than national concerns. Notice that our post WWII conflicts were always with nations that didn't have atomic warheads. Suitable targets for those types of invasions are getting more and more difficult to find.

This is my Drone. There are many others like it but this one is mine. Without my Drone, I am worthless. Without me, my Drone is worthless;)
Yeah i'm not buying it

Your boot camp standards are your business and your right to manage troops how you need them to perform out there, that's the military's call. But to flip the standards for sturdy war engagement onto the civilian population would create some Orwellian dystopian ubermench society that has nothing to do with the freedoms we established to get this country to where it is now

Anyone who complains about modern causes being tossed around and campaigns for social justice and the "liberal pussification" of America deserves to be fucking stoned to death for premarital sex because that's what social justice and liberalism protects our ass against and soldiers should appreciate that more than anyone

Your kid wouldn't be able to go to Prom in the States without rolling the dice on the chances he sentences his date to an honor killing for hooking up with their boyfriend, fuck your tough guy blanket statements on how giving a shit about human protections wholesale in this day and age is weak just because you know a bunch of causes or external behaviors that annoy you, that's some mussolini era bullshit lol

As human communities modernized and developed they started making international laws and national standards for human rights and protections, you have every right to spit on that same impulse today because twitter kids hurt your feelings but I'm going to call you a massive pussy for being that sensitive to "reform" impulses that landed you here today in the land of the free. So yeah, you don't get to remove homosexuals from the pool of humans or drop your babies with birth defects into a pit like the early greeks in the name of keeping boot camp standards apply to the whole country because that would make you the modern day enemies of those pesky human rights we fight to keep from taking over our countries and destroying their first world protections. Good for boot camp though, so high five.


That mentality is spoiled and childish

Well yikes, friend.

I was advocating none of the things you've mentioned in the above diatribe.

I'm 26 years old, for some reference. I grew up in the 90s/2000s with multiculturalism, tolerance and a liberal arts education. I wanna live in a country where people can be gay, or watch WWE and not be criminally punished. I served overseas with some ferocious warriors who happened to be gay. I don't want military culture to be civilian culture. What I was attempting to point out, is that civilian culture has, of late, bled INTO military culture, in a manner that has tangibly reduced our fighting force's readiness.

I'm not fetishizing Ancient Sparta, nor am I really proposing any kind of solution to the aforementioned problem.
Kids growing up learning nothing about responsibility and accountability today. Then they try to join the military.

Of course they arent getting good candidates. Why the fuck would a good candidate join the military? It pays like shit, its hard long work, and you arent actually defending anything but profits.

So whats the incentive. Just more piss poor leadership crying about how they were dealt a bad hand.
They pay for your living and you have the VA and the GI bill. It isn't a bad choice. Just play it safe. Most people have zero equity so the military would be a better choice for most.

100k plus paying my bills isnt enough. Especially how vets a
Would you join if you got $25k a year, your housing was paid, your food was paid, 100% medical and you got the GI BILL that will give you somewhere close to 40k in school benefits?

Okay, now add some job training. Veterans hiring preference when you get out.

Also get to shoot stuff, blow shit up, jump out of helicopters, etc.

You get paid to work out for an hour every morning. FFS.

100k plus paying my bills isnt enough. Especially how vets a


What about $120k+ per year plus full insurance and the whole benefits package I just described above?

Because that is what I am pulling in. BTW did I mention they just paid for my Masters Degree? Dream job~ #YOLO.
They pay for your living and you have the VA and the GI bill. It isn't a bad choice. Just play it safe. Most people have zero equity so the military would be a better choice for most.
Don't forget veteran's preference on jobs when you leave the military.
the problem is the last 10 years of BCT has been taught to teach recruits how to live and fight in a warzone and not how to be garrison troops. I went in before Iraq and my Boot camp experience was full of the mickey mouse parade ground shit that looks good on post but is worthless anywhere else. Spit shined boots (because the boots we were issued still required polish), constant uniform appraisals and appearance work.

By 2005, they were pipelining folks through basic using instructors who had gotten actual no shit trigger time. Guys were coming out of basic knowing how to ranger roll 3 days worth of clothing into a fucking zip lock bag. i didnt learn that shit til i was a fucking E-4. the flip side was that they were ready to go deployment wise but werent nearly as good at various stateside BS like marching, formation drill, and barracks inspection

basically this is generals complaining about war time training still persisting through a peace time army.
Let the fatties in and give them extra time to lose the weight before any meaningful front line deployment.

Also: bring back national service

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