UFC is dying... in its current form, it isn't going to last, it can't with 150k PPV buys, or whatever the hell number you choose to believe they got for a card like 225. It's got no marketable people. I've been a fan since I rented the VHS tapes of the old tournaments. Ice Man, Randy, hell Tank even are better known that pretty much anyone fighting for the UFC nowadays.
They compete with themselves by having those free fights on Fox. Who the hell paid for Nunes vs Pennington when Wonderboy vs Till is free? To me, the UFC is simply the company, kinda like Lyft or Uber... with the fighters being what drives the company. But who the hell is the UFC marketing to sell their PPV fights to people? If they were smart they'd throw a boat load of cash at Conor to come back and fight and build off that... But they need clauses in the contracts these guys sign that say they can't fucking wear sun glasses indoors, can't kick metal pipes, need to make weight or else they lose a spot in the rankings even if they win... with an asterik by the win.
I'm a big fan of fighting, but if I'm just a kasual, what the hell am I a fan of? Hell I saw before 225 they made a few of Whittaker's fights free on youtube... and people posted how they didn't know which fight to watch of his that showed who he was fighting with this time. You can't sell somebody something that they don't know they want.