Lost my first covid-19 patient last night

That’s fucking beautiful.
My favorite band is called Die Warzau, and they took their name from a (possibly mythical) group of people called the Die Warsaw Synfony.

in WW2, the Nazis forbade groups like Jews and Poles from gathering in groups; music wasn’t allowed either. The legend is that in the dead of night, these people would gather and play music outside the concentration camps to comfort those who were suffering inside. Before the Nazis could catch them, they disappeared into the night. Don’t know if it’s true, but I’d like to believe it is.
We’ll get through this. Like you said, the human race has survived worse. :)

Nice song!!
@Kaiserjuan THANKS for your work, put yourself at risk and helping/supporting your patients! Really really appreciate the work people like you do to the public! And also telling us about your situation. Stay safe brother

Not enough praise has gone to all the doctors, nurses and people working in the hospitals around the world, Thank you for helping the patients. We appreciate your hard work.
their recklessness,savagery and irresponsibility is costing people their jobs,freedom,joy and lives. I would like to punch the people in the wuhan wet market for getting the long beach gran prix cancelled and a lot of my friends might lose their homes and cars from being laid off.

Yeah but the Chinese government might be even more responsible. They were trying to suppress it at first when it could have been contained there and then.
Yeah but the Chinese government might be even more responsible. They were trying to suppress it at first when it could have been contained there and then.
alright I owe them a punch to the back of the head too then.*kisses knuckles gently and sweetly in anticipation*

If they do test positive, what's next? I thought there's no special treatment for it. Just put them all in quarantine.
What a phenomenally stupid and ignorant statement. Why don't you listen to the medical professionals and learn something you tool.

And if you cannot learn anything useful ..... Then learn to STFU and have some respect.
Actually the OP said they thought the same thing. So maybe take your own advice
We have two potential cases where I work but nothing confirmed yet. There has yet to be any confirmed cases in town as of now.
They say like 28 days in total.
Until April 4th. Yes supermarkets, hospitals (of course), mechanics, factories are still going. Office work and some radiology work is mostly carried out at home (smart working, as they call it). On the other hand restaurants, bars, hair saloons, fast foods ettc are all shut down.
How bad is it in Italy atm
Pretty bad. They are mostly focusing on saving younger lives now (50-60 yo) whilst the elderly and frail, if critically ill, they just let them go and use the resources for whom has a greater chance to survive.
ENT working at a hospital in Northern Italy and proud sherdogger since 2014.

We had no idea what it was because the patient was not ill when he was admitted and actually underwent surgery successfully for laryngeal cancer. He developed pneumonia some time after which is usually a consequence of this particular surgery (partial laryngectomy).

He suddenly started getting worse 3 days ago and eventually died last night. The only covid-19 telling x-ray was the one performed 8 hours before the pt's death.
No one amongst medical staff and nurses has developed any symptoms yet and we won't get a swab unless we develop them.

I will update you on my medical condition, I am fine and working at the moment.

Good luck, bro. Stay strong.

Any kind of infection after an invasive surgery can be fatal. Any surgery period when you’re that old could be your last.
Believe you me mate, it was not surgery that killed the man...and no, today surgery is pretty safe for a 70 yo with few comorbidites
Believe you me mate, it was not surgery that killed the man...and no, today surgery is pretty safe for a 70 yo with few comorbidites

Infections happen all the time after surgery. I almost died from meningitis after one surgery. And yes, surgery is hard on the body at any age, let alone 70 or 80. I’ve hadl several surgeries and yes it’s hard on the body. Every time anyone goes under the knife it could be their last.
The "proud sherdogger" part leads me to believe op is a liar.
Pretty bad. They are mostly focusing on saving younger lives now (50-60 yo) whilst the elderly and frail, if critically ill, they just let them go and use the resources for whom has a greater chance to survive.


This pretty much backs up that what's app message..

You still in denial this is happening?