Looking for this store


White Belt
Aug 28, 2010
Reaction score
My instructor was talking about it today and I remember seeing it when I was looking around for gis online. The name starts with a B, I believe, and they have daily discounts. Anyone have any idea what store that is?

By the way, it doesn't start with the letters BJJ. It's something like bebo or bedo or something weird like that.
budovideos.com? They wouldn't be my first choice for a gi but they do have pretty good prices on other stuff...
I'm pretty sure that's it. That was quick, thanks :)

No problem, but like I said it's not a killer site for kimonos.

Check out Padilla and Sons Kimonos

Amazing quality, amazing customer service and $95 top. Never spend more than $100 on a gi you plan on training in, only if it's a collector item.
I've gotten all my gis there lol. It's cool because they have almost every bran and if u live nearby u an go in and try on before u buy.