Looking for assistance in diet/supplements


White Belt
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
Hi, i have been reading as much as i can on these forums for the past week or so, and i am currently trying to make a massive change in my daily life. I'm hoping for people with more experience can guide me in the right direction to becoming more healthy and hopefully stronger.

Ok I am about 5'10, 135 pounds and looking to gain lean mass and more importantly strength. aesthetics dont really matter to me, because im not looking to become a super model or anything. im hoping to get applicable strength for grappling (currently in bjj). Using BS(5x5)

I have changed my diet to reflect the 7 habits of effective nutrition. but i am sorry to say that i am a little lost as far as supplements go. i plan on getting some type of fish oil, and multivitamin. but i hit a wall when comes to protein, creatine, and many other supplements.

my current plan is to get some type of 100% whey for any time and madmick's True Protein Custom Biotest Surge Mimicker for PWO.

now i dont know if this is overkill or if i am going about it the wrong way, also i am not sure about if the creatine should be takin seperatly from the PWO or if it is fine just to leave it with the formula.

any help with reliable products and brand names would be greatly appreciated. i know many of these questions are probably answered throughout the forum or even in the faq, but the large amount of info just confuses me further and further, what i really want is a simple answer that i can follow and use effectively. thank you to all in advance.

If you are new to lifting then a good protein mix and multi-vitamin is all you really need. Eat a ton and get lifting. Start a training log in the S&P forum and start reading in that forum, especially the S&P FAQ.
thank you for your reply, im not extremely new to lifting. but the type of lifting (low rep, High weight). i lifted all 4 years of high school on my Water polo and swimming team but it was more geared towards endurance, and our coach wasn't too keen on squats for whatever reason (i did them anyways).

so no creatine, and just stick with whey and multi's?
thank you for your reply, im not extremely new to lifting. but the type of lifting (low rep, High weight). i lifted all 4 years of high school on my Water polo and swimming team but it was more geared towards endurance, and our coach wasn't too keen on squats for whatever reason (i did them anyways).

so no creatine, and just stick with whey and multi's?

Well if you are new to low rep lifting then my advice remains the same. And IMO ditch the creatine because you will make fast gains already since you haven't done much of this type of lifting. Just focus on your diet and lifting for now and worry about that stuff later.