List Of Democratic Super Delegates It's Right Out Of A Bernie Sanders Nightmare


Sunflower in support of Ukraine
Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2004
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It's all over for Bernie Sanders heck Bill Clinton is a super degegate.
Delegate State Group Candidate
Alma Adams NC Rep. Clinton[3]
Pete Aguilar CA Rep. Clinton[3]
Steven K. Alari CA DNC[4] Uncommitted
Maggie Allen ME DNC[4] Clinton[5]
Jill Alper MI DNC[4] Clinton[6]
Rafael Anchia TX DNC[4] Clinton[7]
Joe Andrew MD DPL Uncommitted
Stuart Appelbaum NY DNC[8] Clinton[8]
Dennis Archer MI DNC[4] Clinton[6]
Patrice M. Arent UT DNC[4] Clinton[9]
Brad Ashford NE Rep. Clinton[3]
Jon M. Ausman FL DNC[4] Clinton[10]
Carrie Austin IL DNC[4] Clinton[11]
Shawn K. Bagley CA DNC[4] Clinton[12]
Tammy Baldwin WI Sen. Clinton[3]
Nick Balletto CT DNC[4] Clinton[13]
Virginia Barnes MA DNC[4] Uncommitted
Phil Bartlett ME DNC[4] Uncommitted
Karen Bass CA Rep. Clinton[3]
Jan Bauer IA DNC[4] Clinton[14]
Joyce Beatty OH Rep. Clinton[3]
Xavier Becerra CA Rep. Clinton[3]
Van Beechler ID DNC[15] Uncommitted
Cecil Benjamin VI DNC[16] Uncommitted
Michael Bennet CO Sen. Clinton[3],_2016
It's all over for Bernie Sanders heck Bill Clinton is a super degegate.
Delegate State Group Candidate
Alma Adams NC Rep. Clinton[3]
Pete Aguilar CA Rep. Clinton[3]
Steven K. Alari CA DNC[4] Uncommitted
Maggie Allen ME DNC[4] Clinton[5]
Jill Alper MI DNC[4] Clinton[6]
Rafael Anchia TX DNC[4] Clinton[7]
Joe Andrew MD DPL Uncommitted
Stuart Appelbaum NY DNC[8] Clinton[8]
Dennis Archer MI DNC[4] Clinton[6]
Patrice M. Arent UT DNC[4] Clinton[9]
Brad Ashford NE Rep. Clinton[3]
Jon M. Ausman FL DNC[4] Clinton[10]
Carrie Austin IL DNC[4] Clinton[11]
Shawn K. Bagley CA DNC[4] Clinton[12]
Tammy Baldwin WI Sen. Clinton[3]
Nick Balletto CT DNC[4] Clinton[13]
Virginia Barnes MA DNC[4] Uncommitted
Phil Bartlett ME DNC[4] Uncommitted
Karen Bass CA Rep. Clinton[3]
Jan Bauer IA DNC[4] Clinton[14]
Joyce Beatty OH Rep. Clinton[3]
Xavier Becerra CA Rep. Clinton[3]
Van Beechler ID DNC[15] Uncommitted
Cecil Benjamin VI DNC[16] Uncommitted
Michael Bennet CO Sen. Clinton[3],_2016

He knew this going in.

Here's the thing; Obama was also trailing heavily because of Super Delegates. The hopeful logic is that should Bernie win the popular vote, that the delegates (at least enough anyways) will swing their vote for Bernie and not risk pissing off the American voters by dictating who they want as a nominee for the presidential election.

So if they push Hillary as a nominee despite her losing the popular vote, they risk losing to the republicans.

I know I would rather have Trump in office than Clinton.
Bernie needed 58% of pledged delegates since the last rd of Tuesday voting. He got 57%that Tuesday and killed it Saturday.

The problem is New York and cali. He's being slaughtered in new York and that might be enough to end it there. He would need a big win in cali but as of now he's down almost 10 points.
Sanders needs to win New York, California, and Pennsylvania and right now Clinton is dominating all those states.