List of celebrities that passed in 2020 - who do you think is next

Today is January 10, 2021.

Unless I'm mistaken, Betty White is still alive. Does that mean that Doomsday is upon us?

What are the Las Vegas odds that Betty White makes it to 2022?
As Betty lives, so shall we all. 2020 didn’t want to fuck around and find out messing with Miss White.
I think a non-shocker would be a betty white or james earl jones.

For a shock factor death, I'll pick Will Ferrell

My main pick though is Harry Belafonte

I predicted Michael Jackson's death on the day it happened purely by luck.
Grant Imahara of Myth busters passed last summer.
We are due for a major musician to kick the bucket.
Dr. Dre on the ropes as of right now
Coolio dies of covid?
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