"Lion Tamers"....abusive?

gizmo J

Aug 29, 2013
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Some people say it's abuse but I feel like the animals that are eaten by these lions are abused a lot more.

I feel like you're trying to be the next @Clippy with these random ass threads.
You have to establish dominance.

Those who fail...well they become lion shit...
What do you think of this?

Some people say it's abuse but I feel like the animals that are eaten by these lions are abused a lot more.

I don't know if it constitutes "abuse," but it's certainly not a job I would want. I think these animals are best left alone.
I would like to feed you to these lions.
What do you think of this?

Some people say it's abuse but I feel like the animals that are eaten by these lions are abused a lot more.

Any time human's place animals in these kinds of situations, out of their natural element, it is wrong. I don't like zoos or aquariums, I definitely don't like the circus. I'm not a Peta freak, don't get me wrong. I hunt and I do eat meat, but any species deserves to be in their natural environment, not caged up and paraded around.
Of course it's abusive. In all seriousness though, I wonder if the lions could make a decision if which they prefer; freedom in the African plains but risk of death, food instability, etc. or being in captivity in circuses + zoos but a reliable food source and little to no safety risk which one they'd choose.