Light Gi Recommendations


Orange Belt
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
Its getting hotter out there and I'm looking for decently price light weaved Gi's.

I currently own 2 Atama Summer Gi's but they dont make those anymore instead now selling a Ultra Lite which sounds like the exact same but for $50 more...

Fuji Summer Gi's seem to be the most affordable from research though I've never heard of them.

Any suggestions/recommendations?
Gameness Pear, Ouano, and searching about 7 pages back. You can get 2/3 at
Atama Summer is made of completely different material than Atama Ultra-Lite: Summer is made of canvas while Ultra-Lite is made of regular gi material except lighter than a single weave
Koral competition MKM gi. its really light, breathes well, and i love mine. its pretty pricey though. i still think its worth it. oh and they come in lots o' colors! :icon_chee
Yes, Vulkan is really lighter than most gi's on the market. For example, we weighted some gi's and...

VULKAN A2 - 1560 grams or 3.439 lb
KORAL A2 - 1920 grams or 4.233 lb
ATAMA A2 - 1990 grams or 4.387 lb
WAR A2 - 2300 grams or 5.071 lb
DRAGAO A2 - 1950 grams or 4.299 lb

Koral competition MKM gi. its really light, breathes well, and i love mine. its pretty pricey though. i still think its worth it. oh and they come in lots o' colors! :icon_chee

I agree about the Koral. I have a Classic (same weight as MKM) and it's just as light as my Ouano.
Vulkan, I own a Koral MKM it feels relatively light.
Naja Extreme has one of the lightest weight gi's on the market today. Beautiful Gi. Soft and durable. Pre-shrunk (about 80%). Great cut, fit and styling.

To keep it in perspective with previous posts: A2 = 1485 Grams

Hope this helps.

Take care,
Chris - Red Dragon Fight Company
Thanks for the great information on the weights and breathability. Has anyone encountered any issues of being torn easily on any of the gis?