Let's talk geography

That's not climatology... that's either atmospheric science or meteorology. Also, how does more oxygen = energy and heat?

And, the pole is not really a semantics thing. It's a axis that passes a point on the surface of earth. It's not a continent. If you say the South Pole, it is not a synonym for Antartica.

Do you know what etc means? I lined up part of the curriculum and unfortunately didn't get meterology. And it is true that you learn about atmosphere. But no matter how you twist and turn it, it's Geography and you claimed it wasn't. And with that I want to remind you about this.

What this thread is not about

If there are knowledgeable members in this subject, you are most welcome to contribute. However, to add. This thread is not here for you to state that most of us are ignorant and stupid on the subject of geography.

Encouragement instead of punishment sermon thank you.

What you have written so far has indicated a behavior of knowing better. I'm not entirely sure what the object of your visit to the thread is, but you don't have good intentions. If you are one of these people with a long education and want to show it on a forum for strangers, you have come to the wrong thread. I perceive you as pretentious.

And with that, I'm done with you and you don't need to write back.
Looks like a young Kurt Russel.
What you have written so far has indicated a behavior of knowing better. I'm not entirely sure what the object of your visit to the thread is, but you don't have good intentions.
@rj144 is a physics professor at a university in Florida. A PhD I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong 'rj.' He is ok. He likes good arguments and will correct you when you are wrong. Nothing personal. A good addition to the discussion. He will add some 'flavor' to your thread.
@rj144 is a physics professor at a university in Florida. A PhD I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong 'rj.' He is ok. He likes good arguments and will correct you when you are wrong. Nothing personal. A good addition to the discussion. He will add some 'flavor' to your thread.

As in real life, you can criticize with good intent. But if you do it without coming up with your own input that disputes the matter in question, it is anything but constructive. His first post showed his true colors. Criticism but no follow-up. Whatever B.S he has in his bag is irrelevant if he can't convey in such a way that it can create a harmonious communication.

And I personally am not impressed by people here who gloat about a long education. It shows a lack of integrity and a need to be seen.
And I personally am not impressed by people here who gloat about a long education. It shows a lack of integrity and a need to be seen.
We have a few of those. Plenty of idiots on Sherdog. I think the worst are the ones that come into a thread for the sole purpose of 'flaming' or 'derailing.' My list of idiots (ignore) just keeps on growing. It is a Karate Forum as they say. Actually, it is a Mixed Martial Arts Forum. The intellectual level is not very high. @rj144 used to be a cool member. He has turned into somewhat of a 'dick' recently. Sorry 'rj,' I call it like I see it. I'm sure you think the same of me. You never did give me any good input on my guitar lesson thread. Just corrections about guitars. @theBloB does have a point.
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And most of the time you get a wacky answer that there isn't a penguin population at the North Pole.
There isn't. Polar bears live in the North and penguins live in the South.
Now, what would happen if you dropped a few polar bears in Antarctica (South)?
Would they eat up all the penguins? :(
Antarctica is the southernmost continent and site of the South Pole.
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We have a few of those. Plenty of idiots on Sherdog. I think the worst are the ones that come into a thread for the sole purpose of 'flaming' or 'derailing.' My list of idiots (ignore) just keeps on growing. It is a Karate Forum as they say. Actually, it is a Mixed Martial Arts Forum. The intellectual level is not very high. @rj144 used to be a cool member. He has turned into somewhat of a 'dick' recently. Sorry 'rj,' I call it like I see it. I'm sure you think the same of me. You never did give me any good input on my guitar lesson thread. Just corrections about guitars. @theBloB does have a point.

I want to be brief as this thread would be a nice place.

He must be the most brilliant man in your country, and if you also hold a position as a professor, it means nothing if he cannot open up an untold world in an sustainable way.

I clearly wrote that my own background with geography ended at the age of 15 in the last year of high school. Not old enough to possess the knowledge to learn to learn, something you have to when you get to university and meet a contrasting kind of teacher who is there to mentor you. This was a tone I set to keep away people who think they know better and have nothing else to do but find fault and get in one's face. Apparently there are individuals who enjoy operating like that. Veiling the antagonizer behind his authority.

I read through the thread about Australia being a country or a continent, and I got the same awareness. Could it be possible that it is him? That he is the professor who gave an F because the student wrote that Australia was a country?

I wouldn't have been surprised.
Word of advice

If you only see a wall of text, don't bother to post a comment about it. Do like me, avoid the threads that don't interest you. You don't always have to leave traces behind.

An introduction

Lately, geography has been tangible in my life. It all started when it was discovered that a private primary school did not have geography in the curriculum. It was when the students were to have national examinations in geography in year 9 that the school discovered that the teaching of geography had been absent for the past two years. The excuse that was presented was that the school had 3 different principals during the same year. It's frankly sub-standard that you don't know better.

I myself have always been interested in geography. Unfortunately, I had a teacher in primary school who almost only talked about geology and therefore the teaching became boring. The geography teaching that I received during the social science education was largely only about demography. As I have always been interested in countries and cultures, my hunger for these was not satisfied during my school years.

A colleague I had a conversation with is handling the case of a man in his 20s who, together with a group of friends, punched and videotaped dedicated targets of Swedish-like women. He is originally from Balochistan. And I thought, where on earth is that area? This piqued my interest and I could confirm for myself that it is an area of Pakistan that has many sympathizers for independence.


Something i've always had difficulty placing on a map is the group of countries ending in `-istan`. When Khabib was active, I didn't know where Dagestan was and that whole area of the Caucasus has been an unknown territory for me.

The goal of this thread

An acquaintance of mine always comes up with funny questions that I can answer, it kind of goes with having knowledge of it in general education about geography. But if he asks further and wants to know why, my knowledge ends there. Here are 2 weird examples.

His own speculation.

1. Why doesn't it get warmer the higher you go? Logically, it should do so as you get closer to the sun.

His limited knowledge of geography.

2. The ozone layer is there to protect against meteorites.

Knowledge, thoughts and related to geography are presented in this thread. It's about broadening your horizons and maybe learning something new.

What this thread is not about

If there are knowledgeable members in this subject, you are most welcome to contribute. However, to add. This thread is not here for you to state that most of us are ignorant and stupid on the subject of geography.

Encouragement instead of punishment sermon thank you.

A final word and an example

I already knew where Pakistan was, but I had no idea about the different districts. I thought Punjab was in India.



Punjab is in India, it just so happens to be in Pakistan as well. One is a state and the other is a province, yadda yadda.

Nevermind, someone already told ya
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As in real life, you can criticize with good intent. But if you do it without coming up with your own input that disputes the matter in question, it is anything but constructive. His first post showed his true colors. Criticism but no follow-up. Whatever B.S he has in his bag is irrelevant if he can't convey in such a way that it can create a harmonious communication.

And I personally am not impressed by people here who gloat about a long education. It shows a lack of integrity and a need to be seen.

Tbh society doesn't reward education anymore, respect is really all you get and the anti intellectuals want to take that away too. Untenured uiversity professor is literally the worst paid profession in the entire country.
I love reading about and looking at Map at places that most people do not know much about.
I am on an Andorra kick. I would say 99% of doggers wouldn't know where it is on a map. From Wiki: Andorra is the sixth-smallest state in Europe, with an area of 468 square kilometres (181 sq mi) and a population of approximately 79,034.[15][16] The Andorran people are a Romance ethnic group of originally Catalan descent.[17] Andorra is the world's 16th-smallest country by land and 11th-smallest by population.[18] Its capital, Andorra la Vella, is the highest capital city in Europe, at an elevation of 1,023 metres (3,356 feet) above sea level.[19] The official language is Catalan, but Spanish, Portuguese, and French are also commonly spoken.[3][20]


Sorry for a slow response, but unfortunately I was busy with a pointless and time-consuming interaction with another.

I like what you do. We are apparently the same in this case. I still have my map book from my school days, and it comes in handy with my kids. Looking at the world map can make one dream. And something that has always scared me since I was little is the dreams I had from time to time. Waking up in the upper reaches of Canada.

I always thought that area looked so eerie on the world map. Maybe it's the isolation, the deep forest, a new species of super bears, I can't quite put it into words. And when I was about 10 years old, it often happened that I woke up when I fell on the floor. And it was surely a dream from Northern Canada.

Please mention some more cool places!


This area of Canada gives me nightmares

Hello my fellow Sakuraba fan! He was the reason why I became interested in PRIDE. Before that, I didn't have much respect for the UFC and was the typical purist who didn't want boxing or MT to be tarnished by boring UFC fights.

In all cases. Thank you very much for guiding me into areas I had no idea about!

I wonder though. With the technology we have today, and I'm thinking mainly of the mapping of large parts of the bottom of the Indian Ocean that was done when trying to find the missing plane from Malysia, why can't you use that form of technique scanning countries?

Instead of using a relatively certain distance as a yardstick, can't you just dot mark each open surface? Or is it time consuming and can only be done from the air via satellite or a super drone?
Rhode Island and Delaware combined have less land mass than Connecticut. All three together make up roughly the size of New Jersey.
You make it easy for us Trivial Pursuit lovers!


What has always fascinated me is that Indonesia is mentioned before other countries you expect to have a longer coastline.

On the picture it says that Norway has the second longest, but I was told by my teachers that it was Indonesia.


edit. Now that I checked, I find several other sources that have Indonesia in second place.

Coming it at second, Indonesia’s coastline measures 61,567 miles or 99,083 kilometers.

Not sure I trust that with Chile not being featured which beyond obviously being very long includes a lot of islands and fjords in the south like Norway.

The scale of mapping the figures tar taken from can I'd imagine be a significant issue here, basically the more detail you map a coastline in the longer it will be so its possible some nations with better mapped coastlines will have their lenght inflated relative to others.
Surely it is fascinating? At home, I have a couple of maps in my study. One is on my landscape from the late 18th century (a copy of course) with the names of towns and other bits and pieces of that time. I love old maps!

Regarding the facts you brought up, I already knew that! Something seems to stick when you have played Trivial Pursuit countless times!

A good one!

Then my question is. Why is the North Pole not counted as a continent?


Mauna Kea

Is there a sea underneath Mt Everest?
Is there a sea underneath Mt Everest?
There's a C under Mt Everest
It's where the cat burglar from the Simpsons buried his loot
but you have to dig up to find it and not be stupid
The very top of Mt Everest is sediment from the sea floor pushed up bu the collision between India and Asia.

Rhode Island and Delaware combined have less land mass than Connecticut. All three together make up roughly the size of New Jersey.

There are big differences between some of your states regarding size and population.

I have seen most of the episodes of Aerial America that were shown at the Smithsonian. If I remember correctly, there were a couple of special conditions regarding Rhode Island. Is it a state or not because of its small size?