Lethal Weapon is really a Wolverine movie in disguise.

Lonesome Crow

Green Belt
Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
I popped in Lethal Weapon the other night (because why the hell not) and enjoyed one of cinemas greatest action flicks for the umpteenth time. But as I was watching it, certain seemingly unrelated things began to connect in my mind. Now, I confess I'm not entirely sure if this is an original thought. It might be something I read or heard about years ago and have just forgotten that resurfaced. Or it may be a completely original epiphany (I was already 6 beers in when I started and kept chugging all the way through)...

Martin Riggs is Wolverine. An unhinged, ex-special forces badass who goes berserk. Capable of inflicting and absorbing immense damage. He doesn't think twice about killing if it needs to be done. A damaged individual with personal demons.

He enters into a tenuous partnership with Sgt. Murtaugh. He meets Murtaugh's family and their love and openness with one another begins to heal and soothe the raging beast inside Riggs's head. They accept him into their fold. Murtaugh's daughter even develops a crush on Mr. Riggs.

The antagonist? Mr. Joshua, himself an ex-special forces bad ass with a propensity for violence. He too can absorb immense pain. Their final bout takes place in (and destroys) Murtaugh's house.

Martin Riggs, short dude with a crazy hair.


Mr. Joshua, big guy with blond hair (Sabretooth).


In the comics, Wolverine and Sabretooth first crossed paths and fought during the mutant massacre, (Uncanny X-Men 212-213). Their climactic battle took place within the walls of the X-Mansion, the place that housed the family that first showed Wolverine acceptance:



Murtaugh: Amalgamation of Storm/Professor X

Rianne: Shadowcat/Jubilee/whichever X-youngster that was always crushing on Wolverine.

Plus Lethal Weapon was written by Shane Black (Iron Man 3 director) and directed by Richard Donner (X-Men movie executive producer). The mutant massacre story line came out in 1986 and Lethal Weapon came out in 1987.

Cue X-files music.

Lethal Weapon is now my favorite Wolverine movie.
Mel Gibson is also an Aussie. #Illuminati
BTW, I love the connections here. I applaud you sir.
Pretty good theory
Im gonna throw my full support behind this

But while we're on the subject, why the fuck did they remake Lethal Weapon? You can't improve upon perfect.
You compared Murtaugh to Storm.

Ur a racial.
nah nah nah

we..we bout to take this shit over.
