Media Leslie Smith still trying to form a fighter's union, now a member of the Yang Gang

Big Al's Texas BBQ

Sorry, no tortilla!
Apr 12, 2013
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If you thought she's given up on forming a fighter's union, think again. She keeps saying she was fired, but wasn't she just bought out of her contract? Not exactly the same thing.
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Yang Gang?


Sounds like a made up name for a teen rap group
A Yang Gang lead by Duane Bang who will hang TJ by his venomous fangs for the drugs he has slanged.
Hard pass on anything Leslie Smith related. She's become insufferable.
It’s a shame fighters can’t make a living without resorting to joining a gang.
There will never be a fighters union Leslie you communist
A worthless WMMA "fighter" joining a worthless "politician."
Last fight
Got paid
Didn't get another contract

What has the ufc done wrong? Lmao she has no case whatsoever.
Yang Gang is taking over. $1000 for every1 to change yo bum lives.
I don't understand the hate for Leslie Smith. She is advocating for the fighters to take home a bigger share of profits. Even if you don't agree with her I think you can at least respect where she is coming from.
The UFC asked 15 women if they wanted to go up to FW to fight Cyborg and they all said no. FIFTEEN. Who stepped up? Leslie Smith. Now she's out there devoting her life to make other's lives better. I will always root for the Leslie Smiths of the world especially when in opposition to the great POS of the world like Dana White.