Leslie Smith filed a FOIA request for documents about the Dana White and Donald Trump meeting.


"My style is kneeing people in the face."
Nov 8, 2015
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Christ on a cross, shut up Leslie.
"@LeslieSmith_GF and I will not shy away from this fight even in the face of blatant political interference."

whaaaa?? i'm sure dana met with the president to put an end to leslie's lawsuit. pfftttt
One of the few women on the roster Dana didn't hit on is taking the most action.

Imagine if during that meeting
Dana was like
"So Don is it true"
and Donald was all
"Yeah dude, I totally colluded with Putin but fuck CNN"

and Leslie Smith's filing is what brings him down
She and/or her team really think Dana went crying to the president in order to stop her frivolous lawsuit? <Lmaoo>
To be fair, what the hell could they meet about?
wow, she's annoying as hell
Aaaand there's the moment Leslie Smith officially lost everyone.
What does the GF in her twitter name mean?

Girl fighter?