Leftists Promise to ‘Desecrate Graves’ and Protest During 154th Anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg

Another divisive, whacked out story designed to drive wedge between people. I did a google search and you know who's running this story? All right-wing propagandists (Breitbart, infowars, World Net Daily....). Not a single single credible source.

This story is bullshit, drummed up to get morons to re-post and propagate more lies. Wake up people......

And yes, let-wing media does it too but that doesn't make it right. Why don't we all stop posting shit like this? The world will be a better place if we do so.
I like this post because it sets the issue firmly.

If this protest doesn't happen or isn't visibly attempted before fizzling, then these media sources were wrong and should be called out for it in just the manner you have. However, if there is some sort of protest, then these sites should be acknowledged as breaking a story that other media was either ignorant of or unwilling to report on.

It should unfold this weekend, right?

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