Leben looked Sharp


White Belt
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Give this man back his steroids..Wow that was horrible...

He lasted about 7 minutes before gassing, so its probably not his worst ever performance.
The man had not fought in forever and he went against a guy who's gameplan was to wrestle him to a decision, I'll give him a pass on this one, if he looks as bad in his next outing, you can start calling him out.
I just hope Brunson made it to that appointment he was late for.
Well, they both looked like shit to be honest... Brunson is too muscular and therefor gassed quickly, Leban is getting old and gassed too quickly too.... terrible fight.

Am I right?
Leben's whole career will/has been like this. He wins a few and losses a few. He looks good then looks horrible. You should be used to it
Sharp as a french loaf... Didn't enjoy that fight at all. At least we'll always have Bendo to rep Seattle!
Horrible performance.

Give him CB Dollaway after he loses to Sarafian.
I agree he needs another shot but I wish they never busted him and he was still juiced lol
Yeah he didn't look good, he also didn't look bad either.

Still needs a lot of improvement if he wants to remain in the UFC. Needs to learn to put the combos together.
Well, they both looked like shit to be honest... Brunson is too muscular and therefor gassed quickly, Leban is getting old and gassed too quickly too.... terrible fight.

Leben didn't gas because he's old. He gassed because he has terrible cardio
That fight was his for the taking too. Opponent was GASSED after the first, Leben didn't have the gas tank. I know it's grueling having a grappler on top of you, but there's NO WAY he should have been that gassed after one round. Very disappointed.
Yeah he didn't look good, he also didn't look bad either.

Still needs a lot of improvement if he wants to remain in the UFC. Needs to learn to put the combos together.

He looked horrible.. At the end of 2010 he was a KO master who was awesome to watch..
Honestly? Having a two time NCAA champion continuously take and try to take u down would gas about anybody. He gave everything he had to defend those takedowns. He gassed because Brunson is a top notch wrestler.

Never less I can't wait to see his next outing
bummed about this fight. Brunson looked like shit too.
To old at 32???

How about the fact that he just had a year layoff. He looked like shit after his first fight back against rosolt too.
I thought he was older like 36, meh, too lazy to research the facts on a sunday lol... it seems like he's past his best-before date though... his effort was there but it was a straining effort like Wandy has now, who's 36 and who also needs to hang-em up... some guys age better than others.
I was expecting him to be on top form, after a year in the wilderness....it was sad to watch at times, he was throwing shots that had nothing behind them at all.

Hopefully he gets the Leonard Garcia treatment even if he loses again.