Leave Brendan Schaub alone guys


B-b-b-b-beast of a fight my mens Will Smith was their and I had pomade in my heir hunned pecent
Years from now when he has dropped off the face of the earth, this whole thing will be known as the "Shaub debacle".
If your first gig is at the comedy store then you're not respected by comedians.

It's like Jake Hager saying he took a real path in mma when he gets put in featured bouts with butchers who have 2 fights in their entire life.
Is he being padded by Rogan or something? He lacks talent and charisma... so where’s the push coming from?
Is he being padded by Rogan or something? He lacks talent and charisma... so where’s the push coming from?
When fellow comedians make fun of him they get a phone call from Rogan who threatens to end their careers if they don't stop mocking his CTE
Is he being padded by Rogan or something? He lacks talent and charisma... so where’s the push coming from?
It certainly is a "who you know" type business.

Brendan also seems like a nice guy, that helps too.

I think him already having a known story pre-comedy also helps. It just speeds up the "discovery" phase for people.

And then you have the mma community who's familiar with him even outside of fighting due to his appearances on his own shows and Rogan

It all mixes together. I don't really pay much attention to comedy anymore but certainly know how it works to some extent. He'd still be open mic'ing in LA if he had the exact level of skill with a random guy's name, that's the undeniable truth
Yep lol.

My old ones were eagle with 90% decapitated duck in beak and before that was lion with snapped cheater neck in mouth
Yeah man always liked your AVs

always had predatory creatures as pets in high school

good shit