Lawler in the weigh-ins

People seem to forget that IVs aren't allowed anymore.
He may have started to lean out so he doesn't have to cut as much...

Everyone is so quick to suggest maybe lack of "supplements" but I saw by far the biggest change due to no IVs allowed.
I never implied that. I was just wondering if others agreed, or i just remember him being in "better" shape. Nevertheless, im not ignorant enough to think that any world class athlete would be 100% clean, USADA or not.
Well, don't fighters weigh in early for this one like the last few ones? If he hydrated himself and ate a little it should show.
The other one looked lovely



I rooting for Rose!
They both look sickly in the face. Nothing like Conor at the FW weigh ins though.
Yes, hydration. Look at the actual weigh-in video, looks like the same Robbie.

Why does Lawler have a big ass bicep on his right arm and a super tiny one on his left arm.
Why does Lawler have a big ass bicep on his right arm and a super tiny one on his left arm.
I think it's just the angle. If you look at him from the front, both seem to be the same size around, but his right bicep actually looks weirder just because it's much tighter, while his left bicep is more round.
He looked different to me too

He did, as others have said he should be fuller and hydrated by now. With his weigh in being this morning. Curious what he looks like on Saturday. Will with hold judgement until then.
Lawler has never been super ripped, his shape also fluctuates, I think he's even wore a shirt to the weigh in before. I tend to think he's one who's not been on peds.
at the official weigh in, he looked much better than what i recall him looking like against Condit
I can't wait to hear Woodleys mom screaming when Robbie puts her son to sleep.