Lauren Southern denied entry to UK, purportedly over criticism of Islam

Face? You should see the camel toe.

I laughed when it panned the crowd and there's like 5 people there probably not even paying attention.
LMFAO @ Right Wingers being obsessed with this chick.

Keep on White Knighting.
So let's see, keep her from speaking in the park and cause enough controversy to end up having her speak at an EU parlimentary meeting?

Well that worked well didn't it.

The point you’re making is so fantastically self-evident and the pattern has been repeated so many times that it’s hard to understand how there could be any leftists around continuing to make the mistake. It’s forced me to think about the unspoken or unconscious factors that might be informing their behavior. Nearest I can conceive, all of these deplatforming conflicts/protests/riots they get into are a sort of self-therapy for the leftists’ mind and the catharsis they experience when engaging in these struggles simply outweighs the obvious consequence of causing their enemies to blow up and gain millions of followers.
The point you’re making is so fantastically self-evident and the pattern has been repeated so many times that it’s hard to understand how there could be any leftists around continuing to make the mistake. It’s forced me to think about the unspoken or unconscious factors that might be informing their behavior. Nearest I can conceive, all of these deplatforming conflicts/protests/riots they get into are a sort of self-therapy for the leftists’ mind and the catharsis they experience when engaging in these struggles simply outweighs the obvious consequence of causing their enemies to blow up and gain millions of followers.
Because for many the outcome, while important, isn't nearly as important as being seen as simply doing something. Remember, this is the ideology of the participation medal and there are benefits to earning your activist merit badge within these peer groups.
Kinda amusing that the only thing people here seem to care about is that she's attractive.
Kinda amusing that the only thing people here seem to care about is that she's attractive.
One occasionally has to step back from being literally Hitler and simply enjoy the occasional eye candy. Being this evil can be simply exhausting.
“Border Force has the power to refuse entry to an individual if it is considered that his or her presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good,” a Home Office spokesman said in a statement.

Hmm...must be a new policy.
One occasionally has to step back from being literally Hitler and simply enjoy the occasional eye candy. Being this evil can be simply exhausting.
Lol. I'll be honest, I don't really care for her, or her low information videos appealing to western males afraid of anything foreign and who doesn't even have the patience to read any of the sources she uses. But she's easy on the eye. So I'll join the objectification crowd with the following word: Wood.
Lol oh the irony so the nationalists complaining about the UK making decisions in their national interest.

What kind of nationalist movement are you guys running over there in Canada?
Why does a woman represent it? Why doesn't she wear any uniform?
And why is she not busy raising kids? How many white kids does she have?
Looks like she is the mid-20's? She should have popped out 2 - 3 soldiers already.

Those are the best available people for the cause? In that case, I would say good night Canada.
Post of the year. Canacucks BTFO
Lol. I'll be honest, I don't really care for her, or her low information videos appealing to western males afraid of anything foreign and who doesn't even have the patience to read any of the sources she uses. But she's easy on the eye. So I'll join the objectification crowd with the following word: Wood.
Oh for sure for sure. I completely understand not caring much for what she has to say on either an intellectual or emotional basis but I'll let you in on a secret....

It's my understanding that the Alt-Right hates women. I mean, that's pretty much what we hear, see and read about concerning them and things women may be concerned about or want to discuss. So it's not like her message is really even reaching her intended audience. To be fair, most Alt-Rights probably can't even remember what her face may look like a couple of minutes after seeing her, and that's if their eyes even make it up to her face to begin with.

But that's just between you and me...

Yeah I was wondering the same thing, with all this irony talk. Is she against people visiting other countries? Seems like an odd stance and one I am not familiar with.

Even if you look at nationalist countries like Japan they are not against people visiting them.

I don't think she is. But like a lot of humor, sometimes you can't let facts get in the way of the joke.

Brits can do what they want. I'd like to think the US isn't keeping visitors out based on them possibly offending someone with their speech.
You guys can say whatever you want to try to disguise your racism, I'm not buying it.

I work with plenty of Muslims and they are just like everybody else.

I don't see them as being anymore dangerous where I live, but I can't stand dealing with them the majority of the time. The percentage of them that are completely unreasonable assholes is rather high.

I feel the same way about most openly gay people. Being that I'm not religious and believe that sexuality is simply something one has no choice in, I could care less what people do in their own bedrooms. With that being said, I find working and interacting with gay men and women very taxing most of the time. The percentage of them that are just horrible to deal with is crazy high. Honestly, as a black man, I would rather deal with poor white trash than Muslims or homosexuals in my work environment. At least with poor white people, I'm not required to kiss their asses when they start barking.
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Which is what


That there's enough lunatics in your country willing to vote for someone that has seizures and blames white people (mostly men) for her problems, which is also another drug people are addicted to.

That it is unwise to think they aren't a threat. It's better to keep an eye on them and not underestimate their insanity.

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