Social Lauren Boebert theater pocket pool and transexual discussion

I'm told this is one of the very important issues Liberals are concerned about, when they're scoffing at conservatives for talking about crime and little kids being groomed and mutilated.
So the only things that can be discussed is random crimes and the tranny hysteria?
You are saying that if level headed people just turn a blind eye and leave it alone it won't spread into problematic propations? Not sure if you knew this or not but even bacteria spreads if you just leave it alone.
Great analogy, bacteria are also nothing to freak out about

Did you know you have about 600 species of bacteria in your mouth alone and numbering up to 20 billion?
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0.03% of the population has you people up in arms and afraid.

They let more bugs and fecal matter into the food and drink you consume, than the amount of trans people in the populace.

But dont worry, its not you guys being brewed up in a culture war.
we want it to be 0.00%
translation: "censor, ban, and silence all the normal people fighting against the sterilization of kids!"

you're shameless dude. trying to rally mods into make it into a no-no topic. oddly enough, half the time conversations get steered into a trans debate by leftists (hi loiosh!).

like it or not the trans thing is a permanent fixture in the war room, just like the dozens of trump threads floating around and how every other thread gets turned into trump.
Simple question, what does your hate and intolerance of trans people have to do with the thread topic ?
if you want honest feedback, don't frame your question using an ultra hardcore queer activist lens.
I framed it in a way that accurately reflects the impression you give , own up to it or change
trans is the new whataboutism for righties...oh no its lefties bringing it into every thread.

Now, off to jerk it to bailey jay
i'm not gonna continue cause your obvious goal now is to push a contentious back and forth to get this thread canned but i'll leave you with this. have a nice day sherbro!

What'll get the thread canned is the likes of you constantly derailing it you do with most threads I guess

You're brain is broken
trans is the new whataboutism for righties...oh no its lefties bringing it into every thread.

Now, off to jerk it to bailey jay
Tranny outrage is the new culture war punching bag for MAGAtards at least until they find another. Screaming tranny, crt and woke every 5 minutes failed miserably in the midterms but hey nobody ever accused them of being bright.
Tranny outrage is the new culture war punching bag for MAGAtards at least until they find another. Screaming tranny, crt and woke every 5 minutes failed miserably in the midterms but hey nobody ever accused them of being bright.

Gotta deal in outrage and misery, cause they know their policies and greed are turning people away otherwise
as parents, you tell'em basic common sense and you don't push insanity. "we love you no matter what, and if you don't want to play with dolls and you wanna be a tomboy, go ahead".
Most parents of kids with gender dysphoria will of course try to validate the individual.

but this is where the left dives off a fucking cliff into the looney bin. just because their child does not conform to stereotypes, they think it means it's okay to set them on a path to hormone fuckery, chemical castration, sterilization, double mastectomies, and genital mutilation. you bozos realize double that mastectomies are for fucking cancer patients, right, and not 14 year olds? wake up!
Again, this is where you’ve made up in your head shit that’s not happening. And again, you’re just trying to use hyperbole and exaggeration to inspire rage. Why not have an honest discussion about what treatment really looks like and what leads to the best outcomes for patients?

"it's none of you business that parents, a leftist cult, and big pharma want to castrate children!"
Again, more hyperbole to inspire hate. Want to castrate children? You think that’s what parents want for their kids? Take a break bro.
You are saying that if level headed people just turn a blind eye and leave it alone it won't spread into problematic propations? Not sure if you knew this or not but even bacteria spreads if you just leave it alone.
Let parents parent their kids, let healthcare professionals provide professional care. Trans issues has zero effect on my kids. It plays zero role in their lives. Yet some of you want to pretend it’s an all consuming issue.
tbh Id probably watch a video called Lauren Boebert and The Transexuals.

but im a sick, curious man. Like looking at a car crash I couldnt look away from.
Why is Boebart a transexual? I only learned about it in this thread.

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