Laura Ingraham boycott incoming

Now, let's see you guys show some level of consistency.

I have bad news, bud.


It looks like she's lost 8 advertisers now. Seems like a pretty smart play by Hogg, and I think it's pretty fair. Live by the sword, die by the sword. If she's going to try and play the ratings game by appealing to the sentiments of those parts of her audience who enjoy this sort of stuff, then it's only fair for him to attack her through her sponsors.

Karma for Fox News and its audience. I remember the early to mid-2000s when there was a new Fox News boycott like every other month. E.G. Disney, Pepsi, the entire country of France etc..

Bill O'Reilly was singlehandedly responsible for getting Ludacris fired as Pepsi's spokesman because he kept going on tirades on his show about how immoral Pepsi was to hire Ludacris because Luda's lyrics were "disrespectful to women" (which is fucking hilarious now that we know what O'Reilly was doing to his female staff at the time).
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Karma for Fox News and its audience. I remember the the early to mid-2000s when there was a new Fox News boycott like every other month. E.G. Disney, Pepsi, the entire country of France etc..

Bill O'Reilly was singlehandedly responsible for getting Ludacris fired as Pepsi's spokesman because he kept going on tirades on his show about how immoral Pepsi was to hire to because Luda's lyrics were "disrespectful to women" (which is fucking hilarious now that we know what O'Reilly was doing to his female staff at the time).
Hypocritical moralizing is definitely one of my biggest pet peeves.


Reminds me of that random white guy named Jon Jones who gets dogpiled every time Bones goes off the rails.

The fact that the "other Jon Jones" is better known than most of the people currently on the UFC roster says everything about how ridiculous Twitter is as a platform.

I agree, and don't get me wrong, I would not want to spend 5 minutes hanging out with Hogg. He seems like an annoying kid.

But it's hard to expect some high school kids who just went through an insane tragedy to remain respectful when nobody else in the political sphere does anymore. The entire atmosphere of American politics and the way the media covers it is disturbing to me.

Honestly, I don't care what they just went through . . . if an adult has no excuse for slamming a group of people with a broad, uneducated comment then going through a horrific event and a week later being paraded on CNN in such an emotional state before you've really had a chance to process what just happened isn't an excuse for how they've acted either. These kids needed time to grieve and deal with the emotional issues that resulted from the shooting. Doesn't seem like they wanted time . . .

And yes, I agree that American politics is a huge train wreck . . .
lmao @ Frank calling anyone a loser.
I will check it out.

Personally, I believe criticisms of these students should be on the points they make and to identify the factual inaccuracies of them.
The way he said it was that colleges turned him down because they don’t want to help him fight guns. It was off the cuff so maybe he just didn’t chose his words well but you can watch it yourself and decide
People often forget that you have freedom of speech but not freedom of consequences.

Go ahead and say all the shit you want, but I have the choice to react anyway I want. This lady said what she wanted to say, and the advertisers did what they wanted to do. Everyone got what they want.
I demand a collage of Maxine Waters (wtf lol?) slapping Hogg.

I love how the people who are inundated with right wing media constantly reference whichever political figures are being demonized by all of their favorite pundits.

A few years back, people were always dropping random insults directed towards Nancy Pelosi in their uninformed political commentary.
I love how the people who are inundated with right wing media constantly reference whichever political figures are being demonized by all of their favorite pundits.

A few years back, people were always dropping random insults directed towards Nancy Pelosi in their uninformed political commentary.
It's especially great when the insult doesn't even make sense. Why the hell would Maxine Waters slap him, and how would that be a victory for this guy?
I love how the people who are inundated with right wing media constantly reference whichever political figures are being demonized by all of their favorite pundits.

A few years back, people were always dropping random insults directed towards Nancy Pelosi in their uninformed political commentary.
6 months ago they couldnt have picked maxine waters out of a line up, now shes their latest boogieman
6 months ago they couldnt have picked maxine waters out of a line up, now shes their latest boogieman

It was the same thing when Pelosi was named speaker and overnight became the most hated Democrat in the country.

None of them knew who she was beforehand, and none of them know anything about her actual policies.

Aside from the fact that Pelosi's district is in San Francisco, there's nothing remotely liberal about her. She's a hideously wealthy establishment Democrat who's been in politics for decades and is fighting tooth and nail to suppress the growing tide of actual progressivism in the party that started with Sanders' presidential run.
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