kyokushin Karate lol

I believe the new K-1 Grand Prix champion who dethrowned Bownjowsky is a Kyukushinkai BB under Jon Bluming!!!!
meng_mao said:
Under KK full contact sparring rules, you'll notice they fight at an unusual range, where both parties can land devastating body shot combos to the chest. In MMA, this would be clinch or takedown time. So KK strategy wouldn't work, but some of the striking, and certainly the conditioning, would be useful.

Yeah i noticed this too. Watching the Kyo highlights posted in the multimedia section, i saw that in competition, the fighters stand with their chests less the two feet apart, and seem to trade punches to the chest with the occasional high kick. I am baffled, how do you score a fight where both fighters are constantly, and i mean constantly, punching the other fighter. There was little to no effort to slip, block, or evade punches...just a two-way barrage of bodyshots. Bizarre.
Yea, but Kyuk. has evolved compared to Kyuk. 10 to 15 years ago. A lot of there training is still hardcore conditioning but a lot of kyuk. gyms 10 years ago are today thai-boxing gyms. A lot of today's kyuk. schools do train full-contact with head shots. It all depends on who o where you train. I like to follow Goff Thompson theory, "it is not what you train, it is how you train"!!!
--Shogun-- said:
personally i do bjj and muay thai.. and i dont know anything about karate. but i hear that kyokushin is more modern than normal karate and they actually sparr full contact etc. And on gsp's website it says he still considers himself a kyokushin fighter. Is it actually effective in mma what so ever... and does gsp actually use it in the octogan?

Kyokushin karate is very effective. There was a K-1 event where some Kyokushin guys fought K-1 fighters and the K-1 fighters got pwned. Gomi is also training in it, and everybody knows Gomi rocks!!
Ask the mojority of the Muay Thai guys today especially the european ones and I promise you they got thee stat in Kyukushinkai or a off-shoot!!!