Kurt Russell secretly directed Tombstone


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
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I'd heard a rumor about this years ago, but just found out that it's basically been confirmed.

Apparently the original director of Tombstone was fired early in the shooting process, and was replaced by a "yes man" in George Cosmatos, who basically did whatever Kurt Russell told him to.

I have no idea why Kurt Russell wasn't declared the director, but probably the studios were nervous about handing the reigns to someone with zero directing credits to his name.

Anyhoo, Kurt made a deal with George that as long as George followed his orders, Kurt would allow him to stick around and take all the credit, never revealing who was really calling the shots for the rest of his life. I suppose Kurt had enough influence as the star of the film to get George fired if he wanted to, so George took the deal.

What's amazing to me is how well the film turned out. As I mentioned earlier, Kurt had zero directing credits to his name at the time, and even to this day, he still doesn't!

These are the kinds of issues that would ruin a film normally, but Tombstone ended up being one of the best westerns of all time. Probably THE best in my opinion.
Maybe they needed a figure head who's a paying member of the director's guild or something and Kurt probably wasn't a member.
I'd heard a rumor about this years ago, but just found out that it's basically been confirmed.

Apparently the original director of Tombstone was fired early in the shooting process, and was replaced by a "yes man" in George Cosmatos, who basically did whatever Kurt Russell told him to.

I have no idea why Kurt Russell wasn't declared the director, but probably the studios were nervous about handing the reigns to someone with zero directing credits to his name.

Anyhoo, Kurt made a deal with George that as long as George followed his orders, Kurt would allow him to stick around and take all the credit, never revealing who was really calling the shots for the rest of his life. I suppose Kurt had enough influence as the star of the film to get George fired if he wanted to, so George took the deal.

What's amazing to me is how well the film turned out. As I mentioned earlier, Kurt had zero directing credits to his name at the time, and even to this day, he still doesn't!

These are the kinds of issues that would ruin a film normally, but Tombstone ended up being one of the best westerns of all time. Probably THE best in my opinion.

Confirmed where?
Position was Outsourced to Kurt’s Moostash.

Tombstone certainly stands out among Cosmatos’ filmography among things like Cobra and Rambo: First Blood Part II so that lends credence to it. Wait now was he also a yes man for Stallone?!?
So kind of like Edward Norton secretly directed American History X?
This is BS.

Theres a making of on the blu ray and Cosmatos is clearly doing the directing. Kurt Russell is not a director and couldnt have just "directed Tombstone" like that. It's an ensemble movie which are hard to block out, Cosmatos was an experienced director.

Kurt did tailor the script to his liking.
Tombstone certainly stands out among Cosmatos’ filmography among things like Cobra and Rambo: First Blood Part II so that lends credence to it. Wait now was he also a yes man for Stallone?!?

But it makes sense that Russell, who never directed a movie, could just direct Tombstone like that? Nah....
That movie is overated.

Just like Wyatt Earp
This is BS.

Theres a making of on the blu ray and Cosmatos is clearly doing the directing. Kurt Russell is not a director and couldnt have just "directed Tombstone" like that. It's an ensemble movie which are hard to block out, Cosmatos was an experienced director.

Kurt did tailor the script to his liking.
I'm sure Cosmatos was competent enough to handle things like blocking and general shooting decisions. But the major artistic decisions apparently were Kurt's. Also I can imagine Kurt telling George when to print and when to do another take.
Quite the accomplishment for old Kurt. One of the better Westerns out there, and doesn't star any of the big usuals for Westerns.
Is he the one who stuck a gerbil up his ass?
Man, what a crazy rumor to be known for. Richard Gere *didn't* do it. But that shit is still sticking around.

Anyways, everyone has already pretty much said this. Val and Kurt, and some other producers have acknowledged that Russell was doing the heavy lifting on this movie. He outdid Kevin Costner, and didn't even want the credit.

Val Kilmer Says Kurt Russell Essentially Directed 'Tombstone'

“I’ve been asked several questions about working on the set of Tombstone, and about Kurt Russell’s role in bringing the film home,” Kilmer wrote. “‘There were rumors that the set of Tombstone was quite tumultuous and that Kurt Russell basically directed the film. What was your experience on set?’ ‘Did Kurt Russell actually direct Tombstone? I’ve read about the conflict on the set, but I’m not sure who to believe?’ I’ll be clear. Kurt is solely responsible for Tombstone‘s success, no question.”
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Man, what a crazy rumor to be known for. Richard Gere *didn't* do it. But that shit is still sticking around.

Anyways, everyone has already pretty much said this. Val and Kurt, and some other producers have acknowledged that Russell was doing the heavy lifting on this movie. He outdid Kevin Costner.

Val Kilmer Says Kurt Russell Essentially Directed 'Tombstone'
Yeah and that spread pre Internet
These are the kinds of issues that would ruin a film normally, but Tombstone ended up being one of the best westerns of all time. Probably THE best in my opinion.

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