Movies KONG: SKULL ISLAND (Dragonlord's Review)

If you have seen KONG: SKULL ISLAND, how would you rate it?

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Ghidora has been often times been depicted as being extra terrestrial , so they can use the excuse that all the others, Godzilla , Kong, The MUTOs and the skull crawlers are based from Earth or they are they can say the Bad Monsters are Alien Mutations from Ghidorah, and through millions of years the evolved to need limbs and are more diggers because the ancient world they battled the Kong and Zilla species had an unforgiving sky so they were forced to hide in the Giant under ground tunnels, while Godzilla species had the deep dark ocean trenches and Kong had skull island.
You know what, you're right. Making Ghidora an alien is the easiset and safest route they can take. Thinking about it a bit, they can tie this with the Pacific Rim franchise if and when they decide they want to do a crossover.
this movie was fun as fuck

Dumb and campy sure, but its a gigantic gorilla fucking shit up. loved it
went to go see Logan this weekend but it was sold out. Saw Kong instead. Really enjoyed it. Lots of homages to other action movies (predator just off the top of my head). That look in S. Jackson's eyes was intense. Can't wait for the crossover to happen.
Loved it, did exactly what I wanted it to do. Monsters were cool, action was cool, scenery was stunning. 8/10 - good effort. Bring on the next giant monster movie!
Totally unrelated but I popped in DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. Unbelievable CGI. More than once I'm like, "That really looks like an ape doing that." Love that Toby Kebbell is playing Kong.

went to go see Logan this weekend but it was sold out.
I love hearing that LOGAN is still getting good buzz.
Totally unrelated but I popped in DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. Unbelievable CGI. More than once I'm like, "That really looks like an ape doing that." Love that Toby Kebbell is playing Kong.

I love hearing that LOGAN is still getting good buzz.
yeah, I was pretty bummed. and this was at 1:45 in the afternoon on a Sunday.
Just saw it. It was decent. It wasn't bad, but I was pretty bored for most of it.

@Dragonlordxxxxx is right about it being a pleasant change of pace to not tease the monster.

There were a lot of really interesting visuals, but they never elevated any scenes. They were just beautiful in the moment. (The one exception is the graveyard battle with the toxic gas. The visuals elevated my enjoyment of that scene.)

The movie was pretty predictable, and when it wasn't it was because it wasn't following classic film structure. It was a true hodge-podge of action scenes and they never build to anything substantial -- the only thing they really built was the exposition, which wasn't necessary at all because we already knew Kong was the protagonist and the only thing they said that was actually useful to the audience was explaining that one day Kong will be big enough to fight Godzilla.

I think the movie suffered because they didn't build up to a climax and certainly didn't build any tension to the final monster. The one moment where I thought they seeded something great was when the ambitious scientists kept the real reason they were there from the unsuspecting army and even duped the well-meaning soldiers into bombing skull island. They didn't explore this reversal of expectations and pretty soon it reverted to the standard cliche of civilians and scientists trying to survive the trigger-happy soldiers who are so eager to kill that they're not thinking straight.

I was pretty unenthused at the end to the point where I checked out completely. I don't know if Brie Larsen survived. I assume she did because the movie was entirely predictable and plotted out by cliches, but for the life of me I don't remember how the scene ended where Hiddleston runs to her unconscious body. My mind was clearly on something else, which is rare for a movie that isn't bad.

I feel like the significance of "they're not going to find out about this island from us" was lost completely. Whatever they were trying to get across was lost in Larsen continuing to document the island and Kong stepping out in front of the military helicopters at the end. I thought, after they promised to keep it a secret, Larsen would expose her film and they'd float to a pick-up point where the military just wouldn't see Kong. The line ended up literally having no meaning. It wasn't even used as a bonding moment. It was just... there.

Also I aggressively suspended my disbelief that there is a ring of perpetual, impenetrable storms surrounding the island. That was pretty dumb.

Also at no point did Kong (or anything) not look CGI to me. I was really surprised. I might have to go back and rewatch it, but Peter Jackson's Kong felt like much more realistic CGI.

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Also I would love to know the details of the story J.K. Simmons was raving about when he said it took place in Detroit. Just out of curiosity because that sounds like a completely different story, in every possible way.
Also I would love to know the details of the story J.K. Simmons was raving about when he said it took place in Detroit. Just out of curiosity because that sounds like a completely different story, in every possible way.
Maybe the U.S. scenes in Skull Island was set originally in Detroit 1971 before the movie got a rewrite.
kong was still a baby in kong island

If that was true why weren't the skeletons of his parents much bigger than him? Seem to me like they're roughly the same size.


So far I'm not overwhelmed by the positive reviews. The general consensus is Skull Island is on par with King Kong (2005).
So far I'm not overwhelmed by the positive reviews. The general consensus is Skull Island is on par with King Kong (2005).

It's only on par because some people love the romance plotline of the original and the 2005 remake and so those same people who wanted to see that again where left disappointed. On the other hand you have people like me who never cared for King Kong because of that cheesy love storyline. This movie finally made me like Kong because this is the type of monster film I enjoy watching. I'm a big fan of the kaiju genre and I think the director made this movie for that fan base.
They missed the whole point of Kong (same reason the new Godzilla was a failure) and are just turning these guys into giant superheroes. The movies stupid and was made for a stupid crowd. The original is infinitely better, and so are the subsequent remakes.

However I love giant monster movies and will watch Kong vs Godzilla, even though I know they will suck. The reason is despite their campyness, these movies used to be very symbolic and actually mean something. And nothing will be lamer than Godzilla being escorted to America by the US fleet. What the fuck was that?
Update: April 7, 2017

Trailer and Cover for Prequel/Sequel SKULL ISLAND: THE BIRTH OF KONG

Skull Island: The Birth of Kong, is a 4-part saga that delves deeper into the mysteries of Skull Island and the mythic origins of Kong. Written by Arvid Nelson, the first issue will be available in print and on Comixology on April 12, 2017.

Both a sequel and a prequel to the film, the series is a father/son story set against the epic backdrop of Skull Island. The story stars Houston Brooks (played by Corey Hawkins in the film) and his son Aaron Brooks — both Monarch operatives, who disagree over the threat Skull Island represents to humanity. Aaron leads a secret team of Monarch operatives back to Skull Island to discover the truth behind Kong and the island he is born to protect. In doing so, they unlock an ancient history of monster conflict, witness the primal war between Kong and an otherworldly ecosystem of deadly new creatures, and finally reveal how this lonely god became the last of his kind.


Witness The Birth Of An Icon In Skull Island: The Birth Of Kong
Update: April 18, 2017

KING KONG SKULL ISLAND Female-Led TV Series in the Works

On the heels of King Kong making his feature return with Warner Bros’ Kong: Skull Island, the famous movie monster is heading to television. MarVista Entertainment and IM Global Television have teamed for King Kong Skull Island, the first live-action TV program set in the Kong Universe.

Written by Jonathan Penner and Stacy Title (The Bye Bye Man), the series is based on Merian C. Cooper’s King Kong and DeVito ArtWorks’ Skull Island. King Kong Skull Island is a serialized, contemporary continuation of the classic with a female-led, multicultural ensemble that delves into the wonders and horrors of Skull Island and its origins.

King Kong has been the subject of eight feature films, with a ninth, Godzilla Vs. Kong, slated for 2020, as well as three animated TV series — most recently Netflix’s Kong: King of the Apes.
Well, at least they got Kong's look basically right this time around. He's an upright walking monster. Not merely an oversized gorilla (to which I still say fuck you Peter Jackson).

That being said, this film was godawful. Possibly the worst Kong film I've ever seen, which is saying a lot considering trash like Lives, Escapes, and the '05 travesty exist. This was just an absolutely abysmal movie through and through. Just soulless, lifeless, worthless, boring, garbage. Not to mention the horrible CGI. Is this 2017 or 2002? And the massively forgettable score. Jesus.

My anticipation for KKvG is in the toilet at this point. Godzilla '14 was good. This was an abortion. Hopefully they at least try and sign a respectable director going forward otherwise I won't even bother. I so desperately want KKvG to be good, but if it's anything like this.......

Well, at least they got Kong's look basically right this time around. He's an upright walking monster. Not merely an oversized gorilla (to which I still say fuck you Peter Jackson).

That being said, this film was godawful. Possibly the worst Kong film I've ever seen, which is saying a lot considering trash like Lives, Escapes, and the '05 travesty exist. This was just an absolutely abysmal movie through and through. Just soulless, lifeless, worthless, boring, garbage. Not to mention the horrible CGI. Is this 2017 or 2002? And the massively forgettable score. Jesus.

My anticipation for KKvG is in the toilet at this point. Godzilla '14 was good. This was an abortion. Hopefully they at least try and sign a respectable director going forward otherwise I won't even bother. I so desperately want KKvG to be good, but if it's anything like this.......


Jackson's movie was better.. Even the bug scene was more intense.

I agree with you about the movie being completely souless. It was. Somebody earlier said it had an homage to 'Predator,' but Predator had soul. It mattered when a character got whacked. You could not possibly care about ANYTHING that happened in this movie. Nothing. Goodman? Main character, meant nothing. Movie was just nothing. The high reviews kind of make me weep for the art and future of quality film making.
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This was such a great movie. I'm pissed they're doing a Kong vs Godzilla movie. 2 of the best creature hero characters ever they should be kicking ass together not fighting each other. This feels very BvS to me and I don't fucking like it.
