Kid and Pulver's striking...


Purple Belt
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
if there were two fighters i would wanna base my striking off of it would either be KID or JENS...

but what makes thier striking so effective?

thoughts? opinions?
umm.. other than they have awesome fundimentals and technique... ??

what makes any person good..? good fundimentals and technique and a little heart will go much farther than anything else in this sport.

they're training it pretty much non-stop, Jens was also a professional boxer, so imagine just that sheer training right there
if there were two fighters i would wanna base my striking off of it would either be KID or JENS...

but what makes thier striking so effective?

thoughts? opinions?

Kid has incredible KO power and is very aggressive. I wouldn't fight like him unless I had that power.

Jens is more refined and is more technical, but also has very heavy hands.
Both of them train in sports besides just mma. They were both serious about learning striking and therefore trained in purely striking. Jens had pro boxing matches and Kid took K1 rules fights. They didn't just train striking to sort of add it to their mma game they trained striking to be strikers and win fights that way and to compete in purely striking sports.
i love watching those two fight.

even though he lost, Kid vs Masato was a real good fight. both scored knockdowns on eachother and it it super close.
Pulver's one of my all time favorite strikers. His boxing is so crisp. It's rare to see MMA guys with that kind of technique and power. His footwork is also outstanding.
i love watching those two fight.

even though he lost, Kid vs Masato was a real good fight. both scored knockdowns on eachother and it it super close.

kid didnt lose to masato?
his only loss is a cut stoppage agaisnt stephen palling...
I would say almost non-stop training...If you didn't have a job and did 2 a day training sessions with a little focus I think alot of people could be pretty descent strikers
For a guy who was pretty much a pure wrestler to even get his stand up to a point where he was good enough to be in the same ring with Masato or Zambidis is pretty awesome
In my opinion, Don't base you're fighting upon other peoples fighting. It will fuck you up
In my opinion, Don't base you're fighting upon other peoples fighting. It will fuck you up

I don't see anything wrong with picking up things other fighters do and trying them out to see if they work for you. I mean it's not like most people would actually try to mimic another fighter's game but you can definitely watch them and see what they do that works and what doesn't work and try to implement it into your own game. How would that be bad?
Kid and Pulver have very different styles of fighting. One thing is Jens is actually a lefty, while Kid is right-handed but boxes south because of wrestling. You'll see this becomes apparent as Kid leads in with a lot of right hands, and in his fights the punch count is actually around 2 to 1 for every right punch and left.

Yamamoto also relies on a lot of athleticism and explosiveness. He lunges in with punches and throws hard combinations while moving in and out. Pulver is more of a counter-puncher, and he stays in the pocket while covering up, usually looking to land a left hook.