Khabib threatens to Leave UFC if they fire his friend

Khabib is a fucking idiot.
Cya buddy.
In the grand scheme of things, he is worth nothing to the UFC, which happens to be a place of BUISNESS.
Making money is the be all and end all.
He cant beat that.
I said ages ago Khabib will go down in history with no legacy.
And he will.
Every man is responsible for his own actions, except Conor apparently.

It’s up to the UFC how to treat their employees, and it’s up to their employees if they wish to call out blatant hypocrisy.

No one here can throw a dolly through a window at his job and still have a job tomorrow.
I dunno, I did far worse at a previous job, ended up the GM.
Yeah and any place where words are met with murder is FUCKING STUPID.

What's your point?
The point is you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. Watch what shit you saying to someone. Telling a beach surfer from California to fuck your mother is not the same as saying it to a russian Dagestani beast
Watch the video again. Clear as day sucker punch. You are also making wild assumptions on potential actions that you can't prove. For all you know, he was jumping the cage to go break up the fight and pull Khabib away.

You nuthuggers are pathetic. Stop slobbering Conor's nuts and come back to reality.
Watch what video? theres many angles and theres a video showing that guy grabbing Conors leg as they were on the cage, he then responds with a punch and that guy also punched back. The fact is the guy had no right to be in the cage, he also came in the cage by climbing in and not through the door. You nuthuggers are pathetic. Stop slobbering kebab's nuts and come back to reality
Of course. He'll never fight any of the guys in my sig. He can only pick on strikers with no ground game.
I remember when Alvarez was champ he never wanted to fight did Pettis...
Nobody wanted to fight Khabib when he was a nobody...
how the times have changed...
I love that man. Honour and loyalty. Putting his teammates and what is right before money. Wow.
my thoughts exactly

honor and respect in mma, in 2018? Loyalty?

Damn. What a pleasant sight. Been missing it for about a decade.
They used weapons and hurt people who had nothing to do with their beef
Who got hurt in the arena besides people directly involved??? Lolol good talk kid
The bus attack as it's referred to is just that an attack on a bus... people were injured and Conor paid for that. It's a completely different circumstance with completely different charges involved. Once again Conor threw something at a bus... A BUS FOR CHRIST SAKE. Khabib jumped into a crowd swing at people.. his team of professional fighters jumped a single individual. Apple's and oranges people..
Love khabib and i get the loyalty angle.

But the tone reminded me of Nate diaz a bit after his conor fight, and thats a bit concerning.

Khabib, stay humble my friend. Stay on good terms with UFC and continue smeshing.
Fuck him. He is a rat cunt anyway. Fuck off khabib ya rat.
I don't like either of these dudes, but it's funny to hear Khabib (and his fans) say that Khabib was just finishing what Conor started at the bus.

No. Nope. Not really. Khabib had his goons with him and snatched Artem up by the back of his neck, bitching about some interview Artem did and then he smacked Artem in the back of the head and threatened him. Conor heard that, got his goons, went down there.... and they wouldn't get off the bus. Khabib physically assaulted one of Conor's close friends and training partners, and when it came time to deal with the consequences, they ducked.

Conor is a loud mouth bitch who's also a spoiled brat but he punked Khabib and Khabib started it.
It was a work and that in and of itself makes that situation irrelevant to the issues at hand. Also Conor threw the dollie at a bus not a person, yes people inadvertently got injured but that's an entirely different charge then physically assaulting people

What kind of retarded mental gymnastics is this?

He threw a dolly through a bus window, AT people.

That should be assault with a deadly weapon.
Khabib is a 500k max fighter. He cant force shit. UFC will chose Conor.
There is no choose you stupid fuck. Conor isn't saying he won't fight if they are not fired.
I don't like either of these dudes, but it's funny to hear Khabib (and his fans say) that they was jsut finishing what Conor started at the bus.

No. Nope. Not really. Khabib had his goons with him and snatched Artem up by the back of his neck, bitching about some interview Artem did and then he smacked Artem in the back of the head and threatened him. Conor heard that, got his goons, went down there.... and they wouldn't get off the bus. Khabib physically assaulted one of Conor's close friends and training partners, and when it came time to deal with the consequences, they ducked.

Conor is a loud mouth bitch who's also a spoiled brat but he punked Khabib and Khabib started it.

Only 1 of these teams got their asses whooped at the end of this.

Khabib punked Artem then punked McGregor's whole team by himself while Khabib's team beat Conor up in the background.

All McGregor and his gang did was throw some dollys then run away before anyone got off the bus LOL.
In the end who cares khabib beat the golden boy. I don't care what happens now. That's something everyone saw.
Even the situation is identical.

Artem got pulled from the card and hasn't fought since.
His friends were not granted entry to the states after the bus incident.
Conor went to court, got punished and is still undergoing civil cases.

Khabibs friend has been pulled from a fight card.
No one knows if they'll be stopped from entering the states again
And proceedings haven't even started on Khabib yet. - also, mcgregor instantly dropped charges and DD won't be pressing so likelihood of civil cases is slim to none.

He's actually better off in comparison yet is showing no remorse where as Conor showed remorse every step a long the way... I worry for what "I know where your car is" and this current kind of nonsense will do in terms of turning a slap on the wrist into something more.

His lawyer/manager is letting him down.

I wouldn't show remorse either...

God forgives, I don't...
Only 1 of these teams got their asses whooped at the end of this.

Khabib punked Artem then punked McGregor's whole team by himself while Khabib's team beat Conor up in the background.

All McGregor and his gang did was throw some dollys then run away before anyone got off the bus LOL.

Lol Khabib did nothing until there was, either, only 1 guy or a crowd of 20,000 and 100 security guards.

Khabib dominated Conor in the cage. We aint talking about that though.