Khabib is scared to move up to 170

I would say that putting his immediate and long term health at risk in order to make weight is a sign that he is, indeed, afraid of welterweight.

“I will never fight at 170! Never!”
And you would, most likely, be incorrect.
Islam has nothing to do with it. Dude is a hypocrite. A fake humble.
You don't know what "humble" means, tard.

So he loses.

Sherdog desperately wants Khabib to lose because they can't stand the idea of the best fighter in the world being a proud muslim.
It's not only Sherdog. At this point it's almost the entirety of the internet MMA community with ethnic Russians themselves being at the forefront of the hate train.
why would he. he's trying to accomplish something at LW. conor fans are so desperate to see him lose.
he weighed in 170 in both his last fights on fight night. every single WW is heavier than khabib. including RDA.

Interesting, but I can't find source for this?
khabib will never move up to 170 because he knows he would get outclassed by guys such as T wood, Ben askren, Marty Snoozeman, Colby cold cuts, and Demian maia. he would get raped in the cage fighting with these men. they would outwrestle him, outsrtike him (excluding ben askren) and demian maia and maia would definitely submit him i believe he has a chance against rda and kevin lee but i only see him winning a few fights in that division what do you guys think?

sincerely TS Orochimaru
totally agree
Interesting, but I can't find source for this?
The UFC guidelines for the last two years have stated that fighters should come into fight week within 8 percent of their contracted weight. The UFC has not released the data on this regarding what percentage of fighters actually meet that guideline.

in Cali there is a 10% rule. i dont think anyone is cutting more than 10% in the ufc atm. khabib was asked about his weight during last 3 fight weeks multiple times and he said 170-169 etc before water cut. meaning his cage weight is 170 or very close to it.
Right, a guy who trains with Daniel Cormier is scared of T Wood and Askren...
There is a difference between being afraid of the man and being afraid to lose and knowing you’d lose against a man. And there is a difference between training with someone and fighting against someone. You are dumb.
There is a difference between being afraid of the man and being afraid to lose and knowing you’d lose against a man. And there is a difference between training with someone and fighting against someone. You are dumb.

Nowhere near as dumb as you of course.

Khabib wants the GSP fight and rolls with the best of them. He trains with LHW and HW fighters.

He is not scared. You're just a casual without a clue.
I'm not even a Khabib fan and I don't get all the requests for him to move up to 170. There have been pictures of him alongside WWs and he's significantly smaller than them.

He's at his ideal fight weight.
Why is it as soon as someone wins a belt the popular narritive is to call them out and say they are now scared of the weight class above. Why can't fighters fight and defend their own fucking belt these days for more than one or two defences? Will never see another fighter defend half a dozen times because people now don't care, no matter what the fighters a pussy because there is always a higher weight class. Retarded.
2019 account, random X fighter is scared of X, topic already rehashed since at least 2014 or so, yep, just another sad individual in need of human interaction.

Wasteland & ban.
The UFC guidelines for the last two years have stated that fighters should come into fight week within 8 percent of their contracted weight. The UFC has not released the data on this regarding what percentage of fighters actually meet that guideline.

in Cali there is a 10% rule. i dont think anyone is cutting more than 10% in the ufc atm. khabib was asked about his weight during last 3 fight weeks multiple times and he said 170-169 etc before water cut. meaning his cage weight is 170 or very close to it.

Look at the weights(weigh in vs in cage) for last Saturday's fight. There's a couple of threads about it. Something like half of the fighters rehydrated over 10%. It's insane.

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Khabib wouldn't have size advantage, so he would retire rather than compete in WW.

He would be very competive in WW if he had mental toughnes to go 3 or 5 rounds with WW guys, which he obviously does not have, unfortunately.

If he had mental toughnes for WW, that would produce some phenomenal matches.

Would be interesting to know where do get your information to make such assertions
would usman or t wood move up to fight romero ? NO.

There are weight classes for a reason, and khabib is a true 155er, he is the same weight as tony or dustin ( 180-190 lbs ), he never had a size advantage in the cage, it is a stupid myth ( just watch the fights ) that came from joe rogan who said " he seems multiple weight class above his opponent" but joe wasn't talking about the size, but the strength and the domination.

T-wood or usman weight 200+ lbs shredded with a low rate of body fat, khabib used to weight 190+lbs before 2017 and was fat because of inactivity ( injuries ). Here some picture of 155er and 170er, the size difference is REAL:

conor and khabib literally seemed the same sized...

The amount of muscle in the 170 division is very high compare to any 155er ( maybe kevin lee had a similar muscle mass)
I can give you the regular weight of all top 5 155er and, they are all between 180 and 190 lbs.

You have 3 month old account, you make a thread that have been made at least 20 times, and you are calling others casuals ;)

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